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变形金刚 2(Transformers2) [Scene: Earth, Birth place of the human race. birth place: 出生地 race: 种族 地球,人类生命的发源地。 A species much like our own. Capable of great compassion and great violence. species: 物种 capable of: 能够 compassion: 同情,怜悯 violence: 暴 力 人类与我 们大致相近,在心怀仁慈的同时也充满了暴力。 For in our quest to protect the humans, a deeper revelation dawns. Our worlds have met before. Here, here. ] quest: 探索,寻求 protect: 保护 revelation: 揭露,泄 露 dawn: 起始 我们在保 护人类时,解 密了一些尘封的往事。 原来我们与人类早已相识。 这儿, 这儿。 (Shanghai, China, 22:14, Today) (中国上海当日 22:14 ) -Reporter A: For today, our topic that's a developing story for you, we will bring you any new information as we get it... topic: 主题,话题 develop: 发展 今天,我们会为大家关注事件的发展。一旦有新的进展会立刻告诉大家… (Pentagon: NEST Central Command) Pentagon: 五角大楼 command: 命令,指控 (五角大楼:巢穴部队指挥部) -Sir: What's the status? status: 情况,状况,状态 情况怎么样 ? -Officer: C-hawks approaching target. Three minutes until evacuation's complete, sir. approach: 接近,靠近 target: 目标 evacuation: 撤离, 疏散 complete: 完成 海鹰正接 近目标,完 成疏散还有三分钟。长官! Chinese airspace has been locked and sealed. One mile radius. airspace: 上空 lock: 上锁,拘禁 seal: 封闭 radius: 半径 中国的空中区域已实行封 锁方圆一英里。现在开始行动! -Sir: Alright, give NEST team the go. Black Hawks, clear to land. 好的,巢穴部队准备好开始行动。黑鹰,可以着陆。 -Autobots: Ding-a-ling, come out and get your ice cream. Any bad robot out there better get ready for ass-whooping. robot: 机器人 ass: 屁股 whoop: 大叫,呐喊 钉铃铃!出来拿你的冰淇淋!霸天虎都给我听好了,等着被我打屁股吧! For the last two years, an advanced team of new Autobots has taken refuge here under my command. advanced: 先进的 autobots: 汽车人 refuge: 避难(处) under one ’s command: 在…的控制下 过去两年里,我带领一组新型汽车人组成的先遣 队在这里避难。 -Sir: Arcees, get ready to launch. launch: 开始 Arcee 双胞胎,准备出发! -Arcee: We're lock


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