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PPT 模板下载: /moban/ 行业 PPT 模板: /hangy e/ 节日 PPT 模板: /jieri/ PPT 素材下载: /sucai/ PPT 背景图片: /beijing/ PPT 图表下载: /tubiao/ 优秀 PPT 下载: /xiazai/ PPT 教程: /powerpoint/ Word 教程: /word/ Ex cel 教程: www.1ppt.c om/excel/ 资料下载: /ziliao/ PPT 课件下载: /k ejian/ 范文下载: /fanwen/ 试卷下载: www.1ppt.c om/shiti 教案下载: /jiaoan/ Today , our group will rechiecommend a famous movie-----Zootopia Zootopia is a 3D animated film produced by Disney,which is co-directed by Ritchie Moore,Byrne Howard and Gerald Bush.And it was selected as the top ten movies of the 2016 American film institute. 《疯狂动物城》是一部由迪士尼影业出品的 3D 动画片,由里奇 · 摩尔、拜恩 · 霍华德及杰 拉德 · 布什联合执导,被评选为 2016 美国电 影学会十佳电影。 1 Person Introduction Judy Hoops ( A bunny) Judy was a little rabbit who is optimistic,outgoing and even a little impatient. She became the first rabbit police officer of the modern animal ctiy through her own erfforts.And many animals looked down upon her,but she proved herself through her courage and action. 朱迪 霍普斯 朱迪是一只乐观、外向,甚至有点 急性子的小兔子,她通过自己的的 努力成为动物城的第一个兔子警官。 许多动物一开始都有些瞧不起她, 但她用自己的胆识和行动证明了自 己 2 Nick wilde (red fox) Nick was a fooling fox in the animal town.He was discriminated and hurt when he was young and gave up his dream.Judy set a full set and foreced him to work with her and they finally became good partners. 尼克 王尔德 尼克是一只在动物城里坑蒙拐骗的狐狸 ,小时候受到歧视和伤害,放弃了自己 的理想。被朱迪设下圈套,被迫和她一 起查案,最终他们成为了一对好搭档。 3 The deputy mayor( a sheep) On the surface ,she was a gentle and kind sheep.But behind the villain ,she attempted to usurp the mayoral position. 副市长 一只表面上温柔和顺的绵羊, 但实际上是背后的大反派, 她企图通过阴谋篡夺市长职 位。 The Flash ( a sloth) He was a sloth named Flash and also a civil servant of the vehicle administration office in the aniaml city.And he speak very slowly and even laugh like a slow shot 闪电 一只名为闪电的树懒,也是 动物城车管所的一名公务员。 他说话非常慢,甚至连笑起 来都是在放慢镜头 4 The police chief (a bison) 野牛局长 The mayor (a lion) 狮子市长 5 The movie plot ? The Zootopia


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