动词复习(分类 系动词 情态动词 动词辨别(W).ppt

动词复习(分类 系动词 情态动词 动词辨别(W).ppt

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I.动词分类 动词可以分为四类: 实义动词(或称行为动词) 连系动词 情态动词 助动词 II.行为动词的几种变化形式 原形 ?????第三人称单数 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 enjoy enjoys enjoyed enjoyed enjoying 过去式,过去分词,熟记初中所学的不规则动词变化表。 现在分词的变化方法,一般是直接在动词后加ing,有几个特殊的可加以记忆:lie-lying, die-dying 要双写的单词有: 一个m (swim-swimming) 一个g (dig-digging) 三个n (run-running, win-winning, begin-beginning) 三个p (stop-stopping, shop-shopping ,drop-dropping) 还有六个t (sit-sitting, hit-hitting,get-getting, let-letting, put-putting, forget-forgetting) 同学们特别应注意forget,begin这种双音节单词。 另外,eat,wait这两个词不是重读闭音节,故不能双写加ing, III.有些及物动词后可以跟双宾语即直接宾语(表物)和间接宾语(表人),间接宾语通常位于直接宾语之前,若颠倒两者的位置,则通常在间接宾语前加一个介词(to或for)。 1) 2) draw sth. for sb. pass sth. to sb. make sth. for sb. give sth. to sb. mend sth. for sb. lend sth. to sb. buy sth. for sb. show sth. to sb. get sth. for sb. bring sth. to sb. cook sth. for sb. take sth. to sb. keep sth. for sb. write sth. to sb. return sth. for sb. send sth. to sb. 二.连系动词 That sounds really cool. 1.The singing __________very beautiful. 2.The flower ________sweet. 3.The fish _______nice. 4.She __________well after a good rest. 5.The teacher _________angry when he knew the boy was late again. 6.I _______very tired every day because of hard work 7.The leaves of the trees ________yellow in autumn. 连系动词 强调动作 强调结果 look/seem look at see sound listen to hear smell smell smell taste taste taste feel touch touch 3.I smell the rice and I can smell something burning. It smells terrible. 4.I taste the cake and I taste something strange. But it tastes nice. 5. The blackboard feels smooth. Please don’t touch the exhibits(展品). Can you touch the top of the door? 3.must 表示说话人的主观看法, mustn’t “不许”,“一定不能” have to 表示外界客观愿望,不得不(有多种形式)don’t have to “不必” ⑴Her mother



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