人教版高中英语新课标M3 Unit2 Grammar.pptVIP

人教版高中英语新课标M3 Unit2 Grammar.ppt

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1) you must. you needn't 2) must 3) Must 4) May 5) (should) be 6) should 7) 应该;不应该 8) Dare& need Conclusion Dare 和 need 既可作实意动词,也可作情态动词。作情态动词时没有人称和数的变化。need 作实义动词时后面的不定式必须带to,而dare作实义动词用时, 后面的to 时常可以被省略。 need to be done = need doing 某事需要做 The flowers need to be watered. The flowers need watering. 2. modal verbs + have done 1) 麦瑞之前可能学过一些中文。 2)她没有及时到达那里。她可能错过公交车了。 3)他肯定读过这本书因为他对它很熟悉。 4)昨天晚上肯定下过雨,因为今早地是湿的。 5)花死了。我本应该经常给它们浇水的。 6)昨天你本没有必要给花浇水,因为今天下午将要下雨。 7)走路只需要五分钟。我们本没有必要打车的。 8)他们输了,这很令人惊讶因为他们本有能力成功发射卫星的。 Conclusion 1. 情态动词 + have done 可表示对过去的推测。表示 或许,可能 ,肯定等 2. 情态动词 + have done 可表示本可以/应该没必要 做某事但却做了 情态动词+have done She might have gone to Shanghai. 或许是 It must have rained last night. 一定是 It can’t have rained last night. 不可能 表推测 You needn’t have waited for me. 本不必 You should have started earlier. 本应该 You could have passed the exam. 本能够 I would have come to your party, but I was busy. 本想要 遗憾或责备 3. Complete the exercise 1) must have lost his way ; can't/couldn't have lost his way 2) might/may have turned off 3) needn't have gone to work 4)could/ can have finished the work yesterday Consolidation Level A 1. mustn't 2. could have come 3. needn't 4. can't 5. can 6. had to 7. should 8. must 9. ought to Level B 1. oughtn't to make 2. Ought I to write 3.ought to/ should have finished 4. has to work 5. don't have to/ needn't complete 6. needn't have spent 7. must have been 8. needn't have hurried 9. might have read 10. may have read Level C 1. have to 2. should 3. shouldn't 4. needn't 5. don't have to 6. will Level D 1. She might have gone to Shanghai. 2. It can’t have rained last night. 3.You needn’t have waited for me. 4.You should have started earlier. 5. You could have passed the exam. 6.I would have come to your party, but I was too


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