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外研版高中英语必修二对照翻译 第一单元 Zhou Kai (1) 周凯 (1) When Zhou Kais mother saw him heading towards the front door without a jacket on, she eyed him anxiously. “ Zhou Kai, where are you going? ” she as“keTd.o the park. I ’ m going to play football, ” said Kai. “ But it ’ s raining! You ’ ll catch a bad cold, ”. “saiNd oh,isI wmoonther ’ t. I ’ ll be fine, ” said Zhou as he opened the door . “ Zhou Kai, you ’ ll get ill. You know you will. You can at least go and get your jacket. “ OK, OK. ” Zhou Kai went and did as he was told. 周凯的妈妈看到他没有穿夹克衫就往前门走去时,她担心地盯着周凯,问道: “周凯,上哪儿去呀? ” “去公园踢球, ”周凯说。 “下着雨呢!会得重感冒的, ”妈妈说。 “不会的,没事, ”周凯边说边开门。 “周凯,你会生病的,肯定会的。你至少可以去拿上你的夹克衫。 ” “好吧,好吧, ”周凯带了件夹克,走了出去。 Zhou Kai (2) My mother has always made sure we eat very healthily, and fresh fruit and vegetables are a very important part of our diet. We live near the sea and we have fish about four times a week. We don ’ t eat much fat or sugar . A lot of my school friends eat sweets every day but I ’ m lucky bec I don ’ t have a sweet tooth ---- I ’ d rathereat a nice piece of fruit. And I ’ m not too heavy, so I never have to diet, or anything like that. 我妈妈总是想方设法让我们吃得健康,新鲜水果和蔬菜是我们食谱中很重要的一部分。我们家靠近大海,一周 吃四次鱼。脂肪和糖分的摄取不是很多。学校里很多同学每天都吃甜食,很幸运我不喜好甜食 —— 我宁愿吃一块美味水果。我不是很胖,所以不必节食,或其他减肥项目。 I ’ m quite healthy. I very rare ly get colds, although, unusually for me, I had a bad cold and a bit of a fever last week. But that ’ s because I was stupid enough to play football in the rain. I don often get things like flu either . Last winter almost all my classmates got flu ----but I didn ’ t. I think I don ’ t get these things because I take a lot of exercise and am very fit. Two years ago I broke my arm playing football. The injury was quite painful and I couldn ’ t move my arm-f-o--rI month hated that. 我身体很棒,很少感冒。不过上周我少有的得了重感冒还有点发烧。但那是因为我真够蠢的,居然在雨中踢足 球。我也不常染上流感。去年冬天全班同学几乎都得了流感 —— 我却幸免了。我认为我不会得这些病,因为我经常锻炼,身体很棒。两年前我在踢球时胳膊骨折了。伤口疼得厉害,胳膊一个月不能动,太讨厌了。 So as you can see from what I ’ ve said, I ’ m a normal kind of person. But t


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