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青岛黄海职业学院 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 设计(论文)题目:称重式粉料包装机 姓 名 段归 学 号 系 部 机电工程系 专 业 机电一体化 年 级 20XX级 指导老师 田雪艳 20XX 年 10 月 25 日 摘 要 本文关键介绍了一个为小定量包装洗衣粉生产企业设计自动称重式充填设备研制过程,分析了称重式充填设备中国外现实状况,探讨了产品市场开发背景,对设备基础原理、结构设计和各个子系统如供送系统、称重系统、处理控制系统关键功效全部作了具体介绍,叙述了设备开发过程中采取部分关键技术,如:高精度称重传感器含有抗振动、抗冲击特点;单片机控制系统方便正确、稳定可靠;液动实施机构可靠性高、稳定性好;传感器应用更是提升了设备可靠性;抗干扰设计和一体化设计简化了结构,降低了重量。 本文研究结果及关键工作包含:首先,完成了经过对比和分析完成了对各个子系统步骤选择和设计基础思想和开发思绪,单片机应用系统开发,进行了硬件设计和软件编程:其次,对设备进行了正确度等级检测试验和商品实例分析;最终,高速动态称重数字传感器精度较高,抗干扰能力强,响应速度快,值得推广和应用。设备含有精度高、速度快、稳定可靠、操作简单等优点,配以皮带式热封机能适适用于自动化生产,可广泛应用于食品,医药,轻工,化工,纺织,电子,仪表等行业,提升了企业劳动生产率和计量确保能力,含有较高应用价值和良好市场前景。 关键词:称重;精度;传感器;单片机 ABSTRACT This paper introduces a quantitative packaging for small enterprises detergent production design of automatic weighing equipment-filled development process, Analysis of weighing equipment-filled situation at home and abroad, explore the development of products in the market background of the basic tenets of equipment, structural design of the various subsystems such as for the delivery system, weighing system, the control of the main functions are introduced in detail. discussed the process of developing the equipment used in a number of key technologies, such as : high-precision load cell has anti-vibration, Impact characteristics; SCM control system to facilitate accurate, reliable and stable; Hydraulic implementing agencies high reliability and stability; The use of sensors to improve the reliability of the equipment; Anti-jamming design and integration simplifies the design of the structure, reduce weight. In this paper, research results and main tasks : First, accomplished by comparing and analyzing the completion of the various subsystems links with the choice of basic design ideas and the development of ideas, SCM application system development, hardware design and software programming : Secondly, right equipment for the degree of accuracy in measuring experiment


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