酒店职业英语 Module 3 Bell Service Module 3 Bell Service.ppt

酒店职业英语 Module 3 Bell Service Module 3 Bell Service.ppt

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Exercises Task 2 Translate the following into English. 3. 您的袋子里有什么贵重物品或易碎的物品吗? Is there anything valuable or fragile in your bag? 4. 请您搭乘右边电梯去19楼。 Please take the lift on the right to the 19th floor. Exercises Task 2 Translate the following into English. 5. 我马上派人把行李送到您的房间。 I’ll bring someone to send your luggage to your room right now. Thank you! “十二五” 职业教育国家规划教材 经全国职业教育教材审定委员会审定 主 编:王君华 韩福乐 副主编:彭一飞 何 珊 (第二版) Zoom In Student Book 学生频道 Module 3 Bell Service Module objectives After learning this module, students should be able to: Receive guests in and out of the lobby Escort guests to rooms Introduce facilities and services of the hotel Offer special bell service for guests Module 3 Bell Service Courtesy   When a guest happens to feel unsatisfied with the service or some mistakes are made, the hotel clerks have to make apologies. They may follow the following four major patterns or strategies:   1. make an expression of an apology by using a word, expression, or sentence containing a verb such as “sorry,” “excuse me,” or “apologize.” like “I do apologize for...”   2. make acknowledgement of responsibility and provide an explanation or an account. After recognizing his/her fault, the staff should describe the situation on why and how the event happened, i.e.“Your baggage was wrongly delivered to...” Module 3 Bell Service Courtesy   3. make an offer of repair or compensation. The staff should make a bid to carry out an action to improve the service or provide payment for some kind of damage. e.g.“I will check immediately and call you back soon” , “Would you like me to arrange another room for you?”   4. make a promise of non-recurrence. The staff should make sure not having such events happen again, by saying like “I promise this will never happen again.” Module 3 Bell Service Speaking Culture Link Further Reading Practical Writing Lead-in Listening Language Focus Exercises Lead-in Task Match the room types with their corresponding terms in the box. bellboy


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