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英语作文写作及翻译老师笔记(四六级考试) 1. 尽管媒体上大量的犯罪事件报道会导致公众存在一定程度的多疑,但在今天这个时代,任何想对公众隐瞒 信息的尝试最终都很可能会适得其反。 Although the sheer volume of (1.大量的) crime stories in the media can lead to a degree of paranoia among the public, in this day and age (2. 在这个时代) any attempts to hide information from the public would likely be counterproductive (3. 适得其反) . 1- the sheer volume of 词典释义: sheer UK [ ???r] US [ ??r] adjective COMPLETE完全的 ADVANCED [before noun] ■used to emphasize how very great, important or powerful a quality or feeling is; nothing except 完全的,彻底的 ?The suggestion is sheer nonsense. 这个建议纯粹是胡言乱语。 ?His success was due to sheer willpower/determination. 他的成功全靠自己的意志力/ 决心。 ?It was sheer coincidence that we met. 我们的相遇纯属巧合。 volume UK [v ?l.ju:m] US [v ɑ:l-] noun AMOUNT数量 ADVANCED uncountable ■the number or amount of something in general 总数;总量;总额 ?Its the sheer volume of traffic in the city that is causing the problems. 造成这些问题的就是城里的交通流量。 外刊例句: If you had the good fortune to sit next to Garret FitzGerald at dinner —wrapped round by his natural warmth and curiosity, as well as numbed by the sheer volume 1 / 21 of Dublin-tinctured words that tumbled out of him —you might learn many dozens of mind-bogglingly arcane facts. ( ) 如果你有幸在晚餐时坐在 Garret FitzGerald 旁边——置身于他天生的热情与好奇中,谈定 地听着他都柏林味十足的口音在那里滔滔不绝——你也许能得知很多神秘的事实,开阔了眼 界。 学生错误表达: (1) a great amount of 点评: amount of 后面应该接不可数名词,不能用来修饰 crime stories (2 ) massive 点评:massive 是指事物的规模大, 例如:Club members can get a massive discount of £50. 会员可以有 50 英镑的大折扣。 Massive 不可以用来指数量多。 2- in this day and age 词典释义: in this day and age ■at the present time 如今,当前,当今 ?You cant afford to run businesses inefficiently in this day and age. 如今低效经 营企业是行不通的。 外刊例句: Sian Bloo


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