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四年级英语下册期末复习 1 Name:__________ 一.选出每组中画线部分读音不同的单词。 ( ) 1. A. me B. she C. bed D. three ( )2. A. close B. hello C. open D. colour ( )3. A. apple B. panda C.name D. happy ( )4. A. fine B.sit C.this D. ill ( )5. A. meet B.great C.please D. eat 二、英汉互译。 1.画一些花 3.在晚上 5.放风筝 7.太困难 9.苏阳的毛衣  2. Good night 4. Not so good 6.open his English book 8.show Mike your fan 10.don’t eat a pie 三、选择填空。 ( )1.Wang Bing ______ a football match. A. have B. has C. is ( )2.Let ’s the party. A. go B. go for C. go to ( )3.Your coat is too big. Try _______,please. A. those B. this C. these ( )4.Here a glass of for you. A.is,juices B.is, juice C.are, juice ( )5.________ jackets are these? A. Who’s B. Whose’s C. Whose ( )6.I have ________ lessons ________ Monday morning. A. some , on B. any , on C. some , in ( )7.It ’sten________ twelve. It ’stime ________ lunch. A. for , to B. to , to C. to , for ( )8.I can see an apple ________ the tree. A. in B. on C. at ( )9.I have a ________ lesson todayIt. ’sfun. A. swiming B. swim C. swimming ( )10.What ________ do you like? I like English and Art. A. subject B. subjects C. / ( )11.She wants to________ some milk,please. A. has B.drinks C.have ( )12.Can you draw _________ ? A. they B. them C. our ( )13._________ a nice jacket! A. Who B. What C. How ( )14.The boy ____ the tree is my friend. A. on B. at C. in ( )15. It ’shot_______ summer. A. on B. In C.at 四、选用所给单词适当形式填空。 1. This is _______ ( we / our) timetable. 2. I like ______ ( run / running). How many __________ ( mango/mangoes) do we have? It ’sSunday. We ______ ( have/don ’thave) any lessons. 5. Mary can (make/ makes) a cake. 五、选择适当的应答句,将其序号填入括号内。 ( 10 分) ( )1.Look at my new jacket. ( )2.It ’stwelve o’ clock. ( )3.What subjects do you like?  A.I like PE and English. B. We have Music and Science. C.OK. Let ’sgo. ( )4.Do you like Maths? D.It ’sonthe desk. ( )5.What lessons do you have this afternoon? E.Yes ,I do. ( )6.Let ’sgoto school now. F.Nice to meet you. ( )7.When do you play the guitar? G..I can


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