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Book 5 Module 1 Wonders of the world 主备人 :陈滋娘 审核人:王彦婵 复备人: ____________ 一、教学内容: Unit 2 I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon. 二、课型: Reading and writing 三、教学目标: 1、能使用本单元的单词和短语 : natural, light, reply, rock, clear, rise–rose-risen, ground, below, edge, bottom , canyon, top, disappear, distance , huge, get out of; look over, on the edge of, at the bottom of。 2、能读懂关于世界奇迹景观介绍的简单文章, 进行简单的阅读技能训练。 3、能运用不同英语常用时态句型写出简短的关于世界奇迹景观介绍的句子。 四、教学重难点: 1、能够运用所学句型结构向他人介绍世界奇迹景观 . 2、使用地道的英语介绍世界奇迹景观 . 五、教学过程: 教学 教师活动 学生活动 步骤 Show the students some pictures Step 1 about famous places. Let students Look at the pictures Warming look at the pictures and use their own and use their own -up words to describe . words to describe . Step 2 Show students some pictures and Look at the pictures to Pre- check the new words. say out some new reading words .  设计意图 通过看图片、谈 论 图 片可以 培 养 学生的 观 察 能力和表达能力,可 以 帮 助学生 回 忆 所学的知识。 学 习 新 单词和句型,为下面 的 阅 读 学习扫清障碍。 Step 3 1. Scanning 1. Scanning 1.要求学生快 While- Ask students to scan Scan the passage and 速阅文章,回 reading the passage and answer two answer the question: 答问题,帮助 questions: 1) When did the writer 学 生 理 解 课 1) When did the writer arrive at the arrive at the Brand 文内容。通过 Brand Canyon area? Canyon area? 学 生 快 速阅 2) Were there many peoplewhen the 2) Were there many 读,培养学生 writer visited the Grand Canyon? people when the writer 获 取 阅 读 主 visited the Grand 旨的能力。 Canyon? 2 skimming. Let the students read the passage 2. Careful reading. 2.让学生带着 carefully and complete the table. Read the passage 任 务 去 阅读 Par Main idea carefully and complete 课文,去找答 agr the table. 案,有助于学 ap 生 更 加 准确 hs 地获取信息, Par I was close to the Great 提 高 阅 读效 a.1 Canyon when it was getting 果和技能。 light, but I couldn ’ t __________. Par I came to _______ and looked a.2 over there. Par It got better and I _____ the a.3 Great Canyon. Par What I saw when I was _____ a.4 Great Canyon. Par My _____ on the Great a.5 Canyon. 4. Intensive reading Let the students read the passage


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