儿科学英文课件:Congenital Heart Disease.ppt

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catheterization Indication : -suspicious of accompany malformation -coronary artery not visible by ECHO Evaluation: -visualize RV/RVOT/PV/main and branch PA/LV -visualize coronary artery Operation for TOF Palliative treatment Total correction Helen B. Taussig Who is who? Who is who? Arterial Switch 1. TOF的主要心脏畸形是什么? 2. 请描述ASD 的杂音。 3. 室间隔缺损的临床表现和常见并发症是什么? 4. 什麽是差异性紫绀?其发生机制是什么? 5. 缺氧发作的机制、表现和处理是怎么样的? Q A Kawasaki disease (mucocutaneous Lymphnode syndrome, MCLS) , First reported by Tomisaku Kawasaki Kawasaki T et al. Acute febrile mucocutaneous syndromr with lymphoid involvement with specific desquamation of the fingers and toes in children. Arerugi.1967 Mar;16(3):178-222. Epidemiology epidemiology Singh S, et al. Arch Dis Child 2015;0:1–5. Progress in Pediatric Cardiology 19 (2004) 99– 108 Etiology and Pathogenesis Clinical features This is a disease of unknown etiology affecting most frequently infants and young children under 5 years of age. The symptoms can be classified into two categories, principal symptoms and other significant symptoms or findings. A. Principal symptoms 1. Fever persisting 5 days or more (inclusive of those cases in whom the fever has subsided before the 5th day in response to therapy) 2. Bilateral conjunctival congestion 3. Changes of lips and oral cavity: Redding of lips, strawberry tongue, diffuse injection of oral and pharyngeal mucosa 4. Polymorphous exanthema 5. Changes of peripheral extremities: (Acute phase): Redding of palms and soles, Indurative edema (Convalescent phase): Membranous desquamation from fingertips 6. Acute nonpurulent cervical lymphadenopathy At least five items of 1 to 6 should be satisfied for diagnosis of Kawasaki disease. However, patients with four items of the principal symptoms can be diagnosed as Kawasaki disease when coronary aneurysm or dilatation is recognized by two-dimensional (2D) echocardiography or coronary angiography. Diagnostic Guidelines of Kawasaki Disease B. Other signif


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