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* 上丘脑(epithalamus)位于丘脑内侧,第三脑室顶部周围。主要结构有:①松果体:位于两上丘之间,长约1cm,呈锥体形,其基底附着于缰连合。② 缰连合:位于两上丘中间,松果体前方,由横行的纤维束组成。③ 后连合:位于松果体下方,亦由横行的纤维束组成。 * 底丘脑(subthalamus)外邻内囊,位于丘脑下部前内侧,是位于中脑被盖和背侧丘脑的过渡区域,红核和黑质的上端也伸入此区。主要结构是丘脑底核,属于锥体外系的一部分,接受苍白球和额叶运动前区的纤维,发出的纤维到苍白球、黑质、红核和中脑被盖。参与锥体外系的功能。 丘脑底核损害时可出现对侧以上肢为重的舞蹈运动,表现为连续的不能控制的投掷运动,称偏身投掷(hemiballismus)。 * 小脑(cerebellum)位于颅后窝,小脑幕下方,脑桥及延髓的背侧。上方借小脑幕与枕叶隔开,下方为小脑延髓池,腹侧为脑桥和延髓,其间为第四脑室。小脑以小脑下脚(绳状体)、中脚(脑桥臂)、上脚(结合臂)分别与延髓、脑桥及中脑相连。 * ① 脊髓小脑束:肌腱、关节的深感觉由脊髓小脑前后束分别经小脑上脚和小脑下脚传至小脑蚓部;② 前庭小脑束:将前庭细胞核发出的冲动经小脑下脚传入同侧绒球小结叶及顶核;③ 脑桥小脑束:大脑皮质额中回、颞中下回或枕叶的冲动传至同侧脑桥核,再组成脑桥小脑束交叉到对侧,经小脑中脚至对侧小脑皮质;④ 橄榄小脑束:将对侧下橄榄核的冲动经小脑中脚传至小脑皮质。 Paul Broca used postmortem studies to link a specific area of the brain with speech production. His research started when he noticed that a patient with an aphasic stroke had lesions in the left hemisphere of his brain. His research continued and his theory held up overtime. Most notable of his research subjects was Tan (named for the only syllable he could utter). Tan had lesions in his brain caused by syphilis. This lesion was determined to cover the area of the brain important for speech production. The Area of the brain that Broca identified is now known as Broca’s area and damage to this section of the brain can lead to Broca's aphasia Wernicke (1874) Copyright Notice: This material was written and published in Wales by Derek J. Smith (Chartered Engineer). It forms part of a multifile e-learning resource, and subject only to acknowledging Derek J. Smith's rights under international copyright law to be identified as author may be freely downloaded and printed off in single complete copies solely for the purposes of private study and/or review. Commercial exploitation rights are reserved. The remote hyperlinks have been selected for the academic appropriacy of their contents; they were free of offensive and litigious content when selected, and will be periodically checked to have remained so. Copyright ? 2002, Derek J. Smith (Chartered Engineer). First pu


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