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企业文化儒家思想与我国现代企业 文化建设新探关杉 摘要 企业文化是现代管理思想的产物,一个企业的成败与否很大程度上依赖于是否拥 有符合自身发展的企业文化。儒家思想作为中国传统文化的核心,在中国社会的发展 中起到了至关重要的作用,随着“国学热”的兴起,引发了中国企业对儒家思想的大 追捧,在此阶段,一部分企业通过吸收借鉴儒家优秀思想,建立了优秀的企业文化; 另一部分企业却因盲目的吸收儒家文化,没有去糟存精,仅仅为了继承而继承,没有 真正认识到企业存在的问题,导致企业非但没有发展,反而走向绝境。如何吸收借鉴 儒家的合理思想来建立优秀的企业文化已经成为现代中国企业最关注的问题,本文就 针对这方面进行探讨。 本文通过分析五粮液酒业集团合理利用儒家思想构建出优秀的企业文化这一案 例,指出中国现代企业进行企业文化建设的同时,需要全面理解儒家思想,在其思想 中吸收精华,摒弃糟粕,采用有选择的“拿来主义”,充分利用儒家的优秀思想资源, 改造和重建中华民族的优秀文化,并赋予其新的时代气息,用于现代企业文化建设中。 本文分为三个章节,第一章主要阐述儒家思想的基本内容以及分析了中国现代企 业文化建设现状,第二章通过分析五粮液酒业集团的成功案例,指出中国现代企业文 化建设应先立足于儒家优秀思想基础上,并根据企业实际情况,承古拓今,构建出适 合自身需求的企业文化,最终通过文化力推动经济增长。第三章提出了中国现代企业 文化建设吸收借鉴儒家优秀思想的新启示以及实施途径。 关键词:儒家思想;企业文化;五粮液企业文化;企业文化建设 Abstract The enterprise culture is the result of the modern management thought, an enterprise 's success depends largely on whether the with the development of its own corporate culture. Confucian thought as the core of Chinese traditional culture, the Chinese social development has played a crucial role, along with the" ancient Chinese literature search is hot" arisen, caused the Chinese enterprise of Confucian thought in pursuit, in this stage, a lot of enterprises by absorbing the Confucian ideas, establish a good corporate culture; another part of enterprises but because the blind draw Confucianist culture, did not go to the bad of sperm, just for the sake of inheritance and succession, with no real awareness of the problem that the enterprise exists, cause enterprise not only development, but a hopeless situation. How to absorb the reasonable thought of Confucianism to build excellent corporate culture has become the modern Chinese enterprises are most concerned about the issue, this paper discusses. In this paper, through the analysis of Wuliangye Liquor Group rational use of Confucianism to construct excellent enterprise culture this case, pointed out that C



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