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2020-2021 学年人教版初三英语高频考点专练Unit 6 When was it invented ? 【高频词汇】 (A )单句填词 1. The bus will run on _____ ( 电) and solar power. 2. The _____ (biscuit) in the box were in pieces when Susan opened it. 3. Henry watched the milk until it _____ (boil) and then turned off the gas. 4. After the big earthquake, the ancient house _____ (remain) safe. It was amazing. 5. Bert felt very proud to work with the _____ (先驱) of medical technology. 6. Mom often tells us to save water in our _____ (日常的)lives. 7. Mr. White was so lucky to buy this TV set at such a l_____ price. 8. Mario was such a careless person that he didn't l_____ his car last night. 9. In her e-mail Carol _____ (提及)that she had a trip to Europe last year. 10. Yao Ming and Lin Dan are sports _____ (英雄). Li Yun admires them very much. 11. —The s_____ in the room is really terrible.—Is it? Let's keep the window open. 12. —Look! s_____ has cleaned the office.—Well, it wasn't me. I just came back to get my keys. 13. You'd better put the meat in the f_____. It may go bad in such hot weather. 14. This is a(n) _____ (网站) for people to learn languages. 15. He is a basketball player and he started to play for the _____ (nation) team at 19. 16. Dale watched a movie about the famous sports star’s d_____ life. 17. The dog is dirty and has a terrible s_____. 18. Grace r_____ here the whole day yesterday. 19. In her talk, Mrs. Millis m_____ her early life. 20. The article was written by a C_____ writer three years ago. 21. Can I have some _____ (cookie), Mom? I feel hungry. 22. You can try this blouse on. It is the newest _____ (款式). 23. —I'd like you to help me with the _____ (项目) next week.—No problem. I'll be free then. 24. The problem is difficult. It took Ben n_____ twenty minutes to work it out. 25. Don't forget to l_____ the door when you leave the house, or the thief (小偷) may get in. 26. There is usually t_____ between neighboring countries, for example China and Russi


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