Unit 8 put on your coat 教学实用课件.doc

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Unit8 put on your coat    (5课时) 教材学情简析:本单元主要教学衣服类单词,以及如何说穿衣服得用语,教学中教师可以让学生利用废弃物品变废为宝,制作一些服饰。带到学校来,让学生练说句型。给她们体验到成功得喜悦。 第1课时 教学目标 1.能听懂、会说put on your …, 发音准确,语调自然 2、能听懂、会说your coat cold scarf,发音准确,语调自然 教学重点难点 教学重点:1.能听懂、会说put on your …, 发音准确,语调自然 2、能听懂、会说your coat cold scarf,发音准确,语调自然 教学难点:能正确发音put on your … 教学具准备 图片,多媒体 教学过程 ?教学随记栏 Step1 Greeting T:Class beings。 Ss: stand up。 T: Good morning, boys and girls。 Ss: Good morning, Miss G. T: Good morning, boys。 Boys: Good morning, Miss G。 T: Good morning, girls. Girls: Good morning, Miss G. T: sit down, please。 Step 2 presentation 1。 show a video of the little match girl、 2、?t: do you ever heard this story girl before? She’s such a poor girl。 Look at the picture。 It’s winter、 It’s cold、 Learn cold、 (k-o, d, cold) 齐读 分男女生读 开火车读 做动作读。 3、?t: what can we do to help her? Show a picture of many things。 (balloon, banana, cherry,….) Can you introduce them? This is …(ss e to front, point then introduce、) 4。 t: what else? Learn coat 齐读 分男女生读 开火车读 pare cold and coat。 5. Chant: Cold, cold , it’s so cold、 This is a coat、 5.?t: we have the coat. So the girl should: Learn Put on your coat、 1) Your Learn your grape, your teddy…、 pare my your Chant with action: Coat coat my coat, Coat coat your coat Chant together Chant with partner 2) Put on Learn and do actions。 6. t: it’s cold。 Ss: put on your coat、 T: Ok。 Pair work 7。?t: yangling’s cold too、 What can she do? Watch and find the answer、 Watch、 Check the answer。 8。?watch again, find out who’s cold too? Watch and check。(teddy) What does Yang ling do? Learn scarf、 9。?read Read after the tape one sentence by one. choose the way you like to read Tips: Read by yourself、 Read in roles with your partners。 Read in groups、 10。 what can we say to the little match girl? Pair work: S1 Put on your scarf。 S2 yes。? 第2课时 教学目标 1。能听懂、会说put on your …, 发音准确,语调自然 2。能听懂、会说beanie,sweater发音准确,语调自然 教学重点难点 教学重点:1、能听懂、会说put on your …, 发音准确,语调自然 2.能听懂、会说beanie,sweater,发音准确,语调自然 教学难点:能正确发音put on your … 教学具准备图片


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