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.精品文档. 初一英语能力测试题 初一英语能力测试题(七年级) (下) 班级 姓名 学 号 成 绩 密 封 线 ..一.根据括号内的汉语完成句子。(10分) 1. e an read r brrw bks fr the (图书馆).2. Peple play gaes in the (电子游戏中心).3. There is a sail lake in the (公园).4. e an buy se fd r ithes in a (超市).5. yu an buy se staps in the (邮 局).6 . Se anials like (吃) (叶子).7 . (星 期三)is his favrite day .8. There are se (盒子) n the table. I want ne.9 .kala bears are fr (澳大 利亚).二.选择填空。 (20 分)( )1 . , is there a bank near here?A .Hell B」 srry .Hi D.Exuse e ( ) 2 . The shl is the park.A .next B.fr .next t D.between ( )3. Is there a pay phne this neighbrhd?A .n B.between .at D.in ( ) 4. There is interesting park arss fr the bank A an B.a .the D./ ( )5. is there a pst ffie next t the htel? ” yes, . ” A.it is B.there is .it isn t D.there isn t ( ) 6. alk 2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作-独家原创 1 / 5 4Q ui- ugteVjies”1印 I冋丁日 4Q ui- ug teVjies ”1印 I冋丁日 宙?三 2印S! } 6uiueis!ia uetsirv isn zze Aue sn j is ? 0 7 ( )P! UP!P 1 us!?日 up!pv”」/v\oi| sw OH ? 6 T () 」o/v ra W6PU9i99M o屮 p nA P!P 样 U ? 8 T ( ) JUBM s科!1 p|n/v\ g o”!| pinMveps e6je| e en Z T ( ) 」eq;ieu JS sie y eej pei pue pe|es jeej6 eAeq e ? 9 T ( ) V 」列购?日 s|ev Ajes pue 6ui;ixe eje sje6ii ? g i ( ) j spupf spu?日 pui^vieiue z ;uejejjip Aue eje aioq丄? f [ ( ) tuejnejsej- W 冋 s ejidg lejidsqv e UI S”」M jejIBM V ? £ I () je eAUje- UeBg ebpg禺 s ei| nAp Aq - z T ( ) P S!?日 eje Ve^s 粕|q ei|t Mn mh - T T ()丁 pueg jnqvseiA ui;e 羽!1 } ( usep eqs s」o|l!」屮 s科!| eue ? 0 T () Ajejqiia Addeq- Aj6unqg pejirveje 屮 Pj Anq ue nA eje nA j| ? 6 () Ajejqiia QW ecP 冋u?日 je|jejednsv e ui Apnjs ue nA ? 8 ( )Aes a IPVV ^6jqi| eq;; ;e6 j Mq jnAsi dqs pj eq; ees ue nA ueqi jeejjs eq; 6u|e jnA s/e je6u| Aue jibm A|pjeq pin jse| jvu pe||ej OHtpoiR ees i upip」jisia eqj tng iq je p科| pue」jisia eq; j jujj ui u/v\p jes ueq; pueseij |ejeAes」eq; purue ”|e/v\ jI peujM Ajqa eeeq je peAejs ||i;s jjisia eq; 川q”|e/v\ s;i」j 粕 科ejj pueuj A」j ei; se/v\ * us p科囘 pue peliej Aeqi eij 6u| e」t peAejs pue pueuj A jisia j ee ue 6unA e uujeye Aepuns eu qn A


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