人教版七年级英语下册Unit 10 Section B 3a-Self Check课件(共19张PPT)(优质课件).pptVIP

人教版七年级英语下册Unit 10 Section B 3a-Self Check课件(共19张PPT)(优质课件).ppt

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Design your noodle house(设计店中食物) noodles fruit salad Other food kind size kind size kind Useful sentences(供选用句子): What kind of noodles/salad/food would people like? What size bowl of…would people like? Welcome. Can I help you?/What can I do for you? May I have a menu, please? Would you like something to drink? May I take your order, please? What would you like? Do you have todays special? Could you tell me how to eat this? Id like …, please. May I have …, please. This is not what I ordered. Check, please. (麻烦请结帐) How much are they? Thank you a lot. 饭店用语 词汇 1. China is a l______ country with long history. 2. What s_____ of shoes would you like? 3. We often have rice, meat, _________ (西红柿) for lunch every day. 4. The _________ (马铃薯) are very delicious(美味的). arge ize tomatoes potatoes * 课件分享 5. John likes ________(粥), pizza(比萨), salad and ice tea very much.  6. They usually _______(订购) food and drink in this restaurant.  7. My favorite drink is ______ _______(橘汁). orange juice  porridge order * 课件分享 8. _________ (星期四)is the fifth day of a week. 9. T_______ is between Monday and Wednesday. 10. My telephone n_______ is 834—8394. 11. --What’s you’re a_______? -- It’s 558 Bridge Street. umber uesday ddress Thursday * 课件分享 What size of _____ _____ you _____? I would like a _____ _____________. What size of _________ ______ you _____? I would like a _____ __________. What size of _______ ______ you ____? I would like a ________ ________ . S M L cake would small birthday cake ice-cream would large ice-cream T-shirt would medium T-shirt 看图填空 like like like * 课件分享 收集英语广告词 (可能的话自己试着设计一份) Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋) The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡) Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. 动态的诗, 向我舞近。(丰田汽车) Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓, 意犹未尽。 (麦斯威尔咖啡) Impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机) Let’s make things better. 让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子) Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧) Come to where the flavor is Marlboro Country. 光临风韵之境



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