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----- 典范英语 7 ( 1)  Walrus joins in ( 海象参加表演 ) 课堂学案 一、 Answer the questions: (熟读故事并回答问题) What will Walrus do?(1-7) 1. Why was everyone at the North Pole very excited? ______________________________________________ Was Walrus good at anything? ______________________________________________ Where did Walrus hide and what did he do? ______________________________________________ The big night(8-15) What did Arctic Fox do for the show? ______________________________________________ What did Polar Bear do for the show? ______________________________________________ From bad to worse(16-24) What did Seal do for the show? ______________________________________________ What did Whale do for the show? ______________________________________________ The show will go on(25-31) 8. How did Walrus join in Whale ’ s show? ______________________________________________ What did Whale say after the show? ______________________________________________ 10. What was the audience ’ s attitude ( 态度 ) towards Walrus? ______________________________________________ 二、 learn some phrases. ( 借助标注的页数,找到相应的语块并掌握 ) 我妈妈擅长做饭。 My mother ________________________ cooking. ( P4) 他根本不怕再犯同样的错误。 She _______ afraid of making the same mistakes. ( P11) 这部电影和那部电影一样的有趣。 This film is _____________________ that movie. ( P17) 只要我们团结起来,没有什么困难是我们克服不了的。 ______________________ we are united, there is no difficulty we cannot overcome. ( P29) 他太小了,不能去上学。 He is ______________________ he can ’tgo to school. ( P30) 三、 Sum up the story. (尽量用到上面所学的 5 个语块) ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ----


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