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Unit 2 Our animal friends 一. 教学内容: Module 4 Relationships Unit 2 Our animal friends Period 2 (一)课标单词 (二)重点短语 (三)语法知识 (四)回答问题 (五)写一写应该如何对待动物 . 知识总结与归纳(一)课标单词 1. unkind 2. c linic 3. vet cave5. guard 6. blind safely 8. police 9. thief missing 11. hunt (二)重点短语 be unkind to sb 2. look after save from 4. take sb to 5. help sb do 6. promise to 7. get from 8. come back 9. ask sb to do 10. many years ago 11. keep sb (safe) from12. in many different ways 13. catch thi eves14. bring sb to (三)语法知识 Imperative sentences 祈使句 祈使句的含义:用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫做祈使句。 祈使句的特点: 通常省略主语。 通常以一般现在时的动词开始, 句末则使用句号或感叹 号 肯定结构 : (1). 以 Do 开始 动词原形 (+ 宾语 )+ 其它成分。 .: Please have a seat here. 请这边坐。 有的祈使句在意思明确的情况下 , 动词可省略。 .: This way, please. = Go this way, please. 请这边走。 (2). 以 Be 开始 Be + 表语 ( 名词或形容词 )+ 其它成 分。 .: Be a good boy! 要做一个好孩子 ! 否定结构 : (1). 在句首加 Don’t 构成否定句。 .: Don ’t forget me. 不要忘记我 Don’t be late for school! 上学不要迟到 ! (2). 有些祈使句可用 No开头 , 用来表示禁止性的祈使句 .: No smoking! 禁止吸烟 ! No fishing! 禁止钓鱼! 祈使句表达的不同含义 Go and wash your hands. 去洗你的手。(表示命令) Be quiet, please.  ( Please be quiet.  )请安静。(表示请求 Be kind to our sister.  对姐妹要和善。(表示劝告 Watch your steps.  注意脚下。(表示警告) Look out ! Danger ! 小心!危险!(表示强烈警告) Don’t park your car here. 此处禁止停车。(表示禁止) No parking. 禁止停车。(表示禁止) (四)回答问题 Read the text on page 12 carefully and answer the qu estions below What do unkind people do to their pets Who save animals What do they do to save animals Where can people go if want a pet What must people promise to do when they get a pet How does the SPCA take care of sick animals Answers: 1. They do not look after their pets and leave them in the street. The SPCA. They save animals from danger and take them to the SPCA. They can go to the SPCA. They must promise to take care of their new pet. 6. There are clinics for sick an imals in the SPCA. The vets in the care of them.  clinics take (五)写一写应该如何对待动物 Think: Are animals our friends How can animals help us Do you like animals What animal do you like best Did you do anything good


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