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Module 3 My First Ride on a Train Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary;Ⅰ. 速记单词 1. 音意记忆。;2. 形意记忆。 (1)distance(n. )距离→______(adj. )遥远的 (2)abandoned(adj. )被遗弃的→________(vt. )丢弃; 遗弃 (3)desert (n. )沙漠→______ (vt. )遗弃, 抛弃→________(adj. )被抛弃的, 荒废的 (4)_______(n. )产品→produce(vt. )生产→__________(n. )生产; 制作 (5)_______ (n. )风景; 景色→scene (n. )场景 (6)_____ (vt. )训练→training (n. )培训;Ⅱ. 短语互译 1. 上(车、船等) ______ 2. 下(车、船等) ______ 3. 下(小汽车、出租车等) _________ 4. (飞机)起飞; 脱下(鞋、帽等) _______ 5. more than ___________ 6. be short for _________________ 7. not. . . any more _____ 8. refer to ___________________;Ⅲ. 完成句子 1. 你认为这个国家的中部怎么样? What ___________ the central part of the country is like? (插入语) 2. 我们吃的美味饭菜是由烹饪大师们做的! We ate great meals ________________! (过去分词短语作定语) 3. 我们看到了建于一百多年前的被遗弃的农场。 We saw abandoned farms _______________ more than a hundred years ago. (定语从句);Ⅳ. 语篇填空 根据对MY FIRST RIDE ON A TRAIN的理解, 试着将下面表格补充完整。(所填词不限);【读而后思】 What did the writer think of her first trip on the train? She enjoyed the trip very much and thought it great. ;1. distance n. 距离, 间隔; 远处, 远方 【语境领悟】 ①Which of them can you use to travel a long distance? 你能用哪些(交通工具)长途旅行? ②I see a light in the distance. 我看见了远处的灯光。;③The picture looks better at a distance. 这幅画从稍远的地方看更好。 ④The sound of the waterfall can be heard at a distance of 20 miles. 瀑布的声音在距离它20英里远的地方就能听到。 ⑤Ann likes to keep people at a distance. 安喜欢与人保持一定距离。;【归纳拓展】 in the distance 在远处, 在远方 at a distance 在一定距离处; 在稍远处 at a distance of 在……远的地方 from a distance 从远方 keep one’s distance from 与……保持一定距离 keep sb. at a distance 与某人保持距离; 疏远某人;【即学活用】用distance的适当短语填空。 ①______________ six miles you can’t see much. ②The noise of the car died away _____________. ③She should ____________________ that fellow. ;2. scenery n. 风景; 景色 【语境领悟】 ①For the first few hundred kilometres of the journey, the scenery was very colourful. 在旅行开始的几百千米, 风景非常优美。 ②The scenery is beautiful near the Pacific Ocean. 靠近太平洋的地区风景优美。;【易混辨析】;【即学活用】用scenery/sight/


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