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语用模糊;尤布利德斯(Eubulides): 连锁推理悖论(Sorities Paradox);罗素:《人类知识》断言称全部人类知识都是不确定的、不精确的和不全面的。 在《论模糊性》(Vagueness)一文中,对“Peter is bold.”做了精辟阐释。 卡西勒:日常言语的词不能用科学的概念所体现的那些尺度去衡量。 沙夫: 在《语义学引论》一书中用很大的篇幅讨论语言模糊问题。他认为:如果我们不考虑科学术语,模糊性实际上是所有词的特性。 在客观现实中,词所表达的事物和现象的各种类别之间是存在过渡状态, “边界现象”的。(1962);Background;与经典逻辑即二值逻辑对应的自然是精确性,而与模糊逻辑对应的当然是模糊性。; Background ; 1.Peter is bald. 2.Winston is keeping a book. 3.This is a chair. ; Disinction between fuzziness,ambiguity, generality, vagueness ;凯迫森(Kempson):给“含糊(vagueness)”下的定义: (1)外延含糊(referential vagueness),即一个词项的意义原则上明确,但它的外延界限却很难确定。 (2) 语义不确定(indeterminacy of meaning),即语义本身不确定。 (3)语义不确切,即语义本身明确,但细节没有说明。(缺乏具体性) (4)确切语义的分离,即含有“或”的句子,其句义由两个以上的语义解释组成。;Fuzzy Semantics;;托马斯(cf..J.Thomas,1995)、俞东明(1993)认为: “语用模糊(pragmatic ambivalence)指的是说话人在特定语境或上下文中使用不确定的、模糊的或间接的话语向听话人同时表达数种言外行为或言外之力这类现象。 这一定义主要把语用模糊视为了一种言语交际策略。;何自然:; Vagueness in pragmatics includes the notions of fuzziness, indeterminacy, probability, ambiguity and generality manifested in practical use of language. It is quite natural to have hedges and semantic fuzziness included in the study of pragmatic vagueness in verbal communcation.;;;The famous philosopher Russell once stipulated the procedure of identifying colours. According to his argument, Colour S, which is indistinguishable from Colour x,y,z, may be observed to be identical with one of them. For example: given the following shades of colour: xSyz, xySz, S may be observed identical with y, or if xyz always implies xSz, then we can say that S=y.;Refers to the elusive alternatives of hyponymy. Objects posses the relationship which obtains between specific and general lexical items, such that the former is “included” in the latter.;;3.Nomenclative Evaluation ;2) Vagueness of abstract concepts Concepts such as human right, freedom are often vague. The understanding of these concepts differs greatly in the speakers political stand and viewpoint. The language used in daily life such as “truth” “lie” also


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