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语法虚拟语气语法公开课;;wish;wish;I wish I _______(be)as tall as you.;I wish every day _____(be)my birthday.;;I wish/wished I ____________( eat ) so much watermelon.; 英语动词有 种语气 陈述语气 祈使语气 虚拟语气;if引导的虚拟条件句;;What would you do if you were the American president? If I were the American president, I would…;;If I were to have a lot of money tomorrow, ;;主从句的谓语形式;If you ____tomorrow, you ____find the new manager working in the office. ;If the parents ___at the hospital earlier after the accident, the child would have been saved.;If he ___,he ___that food.;If虚拟句的倒装;;如果条件状语中有were, had, should时, 可以倒装成:Were / Should / Had +主+其他;1. ____the exam, he would have attend a college.; 虚拟语气的考点 1、条件句中的虚拟语气的用法; 2、条件句中虚拟语气的倒装; 3、名词性从句中虚拟语气的用法; 4、几种特殊结构中虚拟语气的用法; 5、虚拟语气时态的判定。;; Practice Finish a writing passage, according to the Chinese given. Jim刚刚做完左腿手术而被告诉一个月不能走动。他后悔如果前一天晚上没有玩电脑游戏,今天早晨就可以早点儿起床,也就不会因为怕迟到而撞倒致使自己住院了。妈妈也因为儿子没有按时睡觉而在责备他。同时Jim也在遗憾下周的运动会不能参加了,预想的400米冠军也不能得到了。 ; Practice Complete the following passage with the verbs in brackets,using the Subjunctive Mood.; Jim has just had an operation on his leg. He was told he would have to stay in bed for at least three months. Now he regrets what he did: The accident would not have happened if he had not been so foolish. He (not wake up) so late that morning if he ______________ (not stay up) late the night before playing computer games. ; Jim’s mother agreed:”If my son __________(get up) half an hour earlier, he __________________ (not ride) his bike so crazily.”Jim’s mother blamed Jim in front of the doctor,”If he _____ ________(follow) advice and gone to bed earlier ,he ______________(spend) more time on his way to school and he _______________(not hit)a tree by the street.”; “Yes, indeed, Mum”answered Jim in a low voice. “ But you know if I _____________(not notice) the little girl crossing the street all of a sudden


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