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2019-2020 学年高中英语 Module2MyNewTeachers教师用书外研版 教师是火种, 点燃了学生的心灵之火; 教师是石级, 承受着学生一步步踏实地向上攀登。 那么,什么样的老师才是学生心目中的好老师呢? A good teacher is a good companion on the journey of students' life and an instructor helping you make the right choice in life.Teachers are the greatest people in the world , because teachers teach pupils not only how to read and write , but also how to be a real man. They are also kind to everybody and they do not want anyone to fall behind others.When students are in trouble ,they help them in time.Surely the most important quality of a good teacher lies in his sense of responsibility and love for his students. Nowadays, do you know how to be a good teacher ? In my opinion , it has three aspects .The first is that the teacher must know the subject and like it.That means that he must continue to study.The second is that the teacher likes students and enjoys their company in groups.If you do not like , then give up teaching.The third is kindness.That means he must help the slow students and correct their confusion . In short , a good teacher must know more about the world ,have wider interest and spend all his life broadening the horizons of his spirit. 1. companion . 伙伴;伴侣 n 2. fall behind 落下;落后 3. quality n. 品质 4. lie in 在于 5. sense of responsibility 责任感 6. aspect n. 方面 7. confusion. 迷惑 n 8. broaden v. 拓展;加宽 9. horizon n. 范围;眼界 1. What to the most important quality for a good teacher? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 【答案】 Sense of responsibility and love for his students. 2. What are the opinions of the author about how to be a good teacher? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 【答案】  First  ,the teacher  must know the  subject  and like  it.Second  ,the teacher likes  students  and enjoys  their  company in  goups.Third  ,the  teacher  sho



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