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教学资料范本 八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Past and Present教案 编 辑: __________________ 时 间: __________________ 1/12 Unit 1 Past and present 8B Unit 1 Past and present 8 第 1 型 New 教学目 教学重 点 学法指 教具准  1 To introduce the present perfect tense generally. 2 To introduce the different forms of transport at different times in Hong Kong. 1.To introduce the present perfect tense generally. 2 To introduce the different forms of transport at different times in Hong Kong. task-centered approach 件 教学步 二次 Step 1: Free talk In the past, Hobo and Eddie were good friends. But now something happens between them. Do you want to know what ’ s wrong with them? Step 2: Presentation Read the dialogue, and find out the answers to the following questions. 1)What was in the bowl an hour ago? What did Eddie do? Why did he do that thing? Why does Hobo think Eddie has changed? Explaining the new tense : the present perfect tense Eg: 1) Have you seen my food? (see— saw—seen) 2)I ’ ve (I have) eaten it. (eat—ate—eaten) 3) We have not seen him for a long time ?? 4) How has he changed? Let Ss read the dialogue in pairs. Step 3: Presentation 1. Show the pictures . Discuss them with the Ss.: What ’ s the use of it? Where do you usually see it? Is it a special one? Why? Which transport do you like best? Write the correct names under the pictures. Step 4: Practice 背 本 的 与 作 Reading、完成 作 教学反思 2/12 题 课 题 教学目标 教学重难 点 学法指导 教具准备  总 课 8B Unit 1 Past and present 总课时 8 第 2课时 Reading 1 课型 New 1 To grasp some useful expressions 2 To infer general meaning from title and context The understanding of the reading Task-centered approach 课件 教学步骤 二次备课 Step 1 Free talk . Where is your hometown? Has it changed a lot? Can you tell us something about the changes to your hometown? As you know, I am a teacher now. But five years ago, I was a teacher, too. So I have worked here for 3 years. I think our school changed a lot. Do you think so? Everything has changed a lot? Step2: Presentation. Have you been to Beijing? Now, look at


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