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6.? What _____ Jim __________(write) when the teacher came in ? 7.? Mike and I ___________ (play) basketball at that time yesterday afternoon. 8.? My brother ______(fall) while he _______(ride) his bicycle and hurt himself. 9.? I first met Lisa three years ago. She ______(work) at a radio shop at the time. 10.When I arrived at his office , he ______ on the phone. (speak) was writing were playing fell was riding was speaking was working * 参考借鉴 | 实用可编辑 参考借鉴 | 实用可编辑 参考借鉴 | 实用可编辑 参考借鉴 | 实用可编辑 参考借鉴 | 实用可编辑 参考借鉴 | 实用可编辑 参考借鉴 | 实用可编辑 参考借鉴 | 实用可编辑 参考借鉴 | 实用可编辑 参考借鉴 | 实用可编辑 参考借鉴 | 实用可编辑 参考借鉴 | 实用可编辑 Welcome to my class!—Miss Xu * I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards.—林肯 * * 1 Adjusting Adjusting the state (调整状态就是加分) 马步宣言: 当东方第一缕阳光破晓的时候,我就在为自己加油;用生命激情学习,用科学方法学习;成长、成绩、成功、成就! 誓言:I believe in myself. I am sure I can manage it. Yeah! * Language 过去进行时 * 过去进行时 1.由现在进行时导入过去进行时 2.过去进行时的构成 3.过去进行时的用法 4.中考真题练习 * What is the boy doing? He is sleeping. 现在进行时: is/are/am + doing * They were answering the questions. What were they doing? * The Past Continuous Tense (过去进行时) 基本结构: was / wasn’t were / weren’t doing + Sb+ * ______/_______/______and ______+ was doing. ______, ______ and ______+ were doing I she he it we you they * Was it….? * Was she….? * Were they…? * at the table on the basketball ground under the tree on the playground What was the boy doing at the table last Sunday at 5 pm B. He was speaking with a girl. A. Was the girl at the table writing ? B. No, she wasn’t /Yes,she was. last Sunday at 5 pm * 过去进行时 2. 用法一: 表示过去某一时间点或某段时间内正在进行的状态或动作。 I was reading a book at 5 p.m. yesterday. What were they doing just now? My mother was washing clothes at 9 last night. What was he researching all day last Sunday? * at 10 a.m. yesterday morning She was reading a book * She was shopping. from 8 to 9 last night * S1: What were you doing while Li Jie was getting ready to


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