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课题名称 Unit 5 Leisure Time Grammar: Modal Verbs (高一年级上 Module2Unit 5) 教学目标 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1.learn the usage of modal verbs 2. improve students’ability to use modal verbs in different situations. 教学重点和难点 Teaching focus: The usage and function of the modal verbs Teaching difficulties: 1.The usage of the modal verbs when indicating inference 2.The usage of the structure“modal verbal + have done” 教学资源和教学方法 Teaching resources: PowerPoint, blackboard, etc. Teaching method: Task-based Teaching Approach; Communicative teaching method 教学过程 教学环节 Step 1 Lead-in  教师活动 1.Read a dialogue on Liu Xiang between Jack and Rose. 2.Ask students to analyze the functions of modal verbs.  学生活动 设计意图 时间 1. Read the dialogue 通过对话,引出刘 安排 aloud. 翔 主 题和情 态 动 8’ 词的使用,激发学 2. Pay attention to the 生兴趣和思考。 functions of modal verbs. 1 / 2 Step 2 1.Ask students to watch further the pictures. explanation 2.Introduce the usage and functions of modal verbs. 3.Ask students to analyze the modal verbs used in specific examples. 4. Introduce the usage of modal verbs when indicating inference 5. Introduce the structure of “modal verb+ have done” Step 3 1.Ask students to have Practice a review on modal verbs. 2.Ask students to practice.  Look at the pictures and learn about the usage and functions of modal verbs. To understand the usage of modal verbs in specific examples. To understand the usage of modal verbs when indicating inference Pay attention to structure of “modal verb+ have done” 1.Review what they have learnt. 2.Finish the practice.  1.刘翔的图片贯穿 整个教学活动,图文结合,学生更能理 解情 态动 词 的含 义、 用法 和 功能。 2.让学生注意到情态 动词 除了 有 一些 基本 的使 用 规则,还可以用来表达 推测 或暗 含 轻微责备的意思。 复习 本 节 课 所学,强化对知识的熟悉。 2.通过做练习巩固 和内化情态动词。  20’ 12’ 板书设计 Unit 5 Leisure Time Grammar 基本用法:情态动词 +do 对将来 表示推测: 对现在 对过去 情态动词 + have done 评价设计 通过课堂观察学生完成学案的情况。 2 / 2


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