商务英语写作 chapter 4[宣贯].pptVIP

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Seller provides the?B/L?to bank in exchange for payment. Seller's bank then provides the bill to buyer's bank, who provides the bill to buyer. B/L B/L B/L payment * Buyer provides the?B/L to carrier and takes delivery of the goods. B/L Goods * Order forms Specially-designed order form enclosed in catalogs, brochures sent to potential customers If interested, a customer only needs to fill in the form, which is much more convenient and easier than writing a complete order letter Effective in avoiding mistakes * * * * Has this customer ordered before? What is his number? What did he order? How long will the pizza be delivered? Yes. 5557868 Large spicy beef pizza and a 2-liter bottle of cola. In 35 minutes. * Listening exercise Listen and fill in the form on your own After the second listening, please discuss the answer with your group members and submit ONE paper to the teacher * * * Exercise III on p66 * Answer Inquiring Popularity Opportunity Guarantee Quality Enclosed Expect Determining Appreciate serving * * What is a confirmation letter? A confirmation letter is written to acknowledge and confirm details. * Writing steps: Thanks for the order Favorable comment on the items required Assurance of the best attention Other items which attract the customer Hope for further orders * 1) to accept one’s order 接受某人订单 Thank you for your Order No.123. We accept it and will dispatch the goods early June. 贵方123号订单已收到,谢谢。我们接受此订单并将于6月初交货。 Expressions for confirmation letters * 2) to confirm acceptance of one’s order 确认接受某人订单 We are pleased to receive your order and confirm acceptance of it. 很高兴接到你方订单,现确认予以接受。 3) book your order 接受订单 We have pleasure in informing you that we have booked your order No.234. We are sending you our Sales Confirmation No.789 in duplicate, one copy of which. please sign and return for our file 我们很高兴地告知已接受你方第234号订单。现寄上第789号销售确认书一式两份,请签退一份供我方存档。 * 参考借鉴 | 实用可编辑 参考借鉴 | 实用可编辑 参考借鉴 | 实用可编辑 参考借鉴 | 实用可编辑 参考借鉴 | 实用可编辑 参考借鉴 | 实用可编辑 参考借鉴 | 实用可编辑 参考借鉴


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