2020科技论文写作技巧 导师分享经验.ppt

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科 技 论 文 的 概 念 a written and published report describing original research results“ From : Day, R.A.: How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper. Second edn. ISI Press,Philadelphia (1983) Scientific papers have to meet two requirements : ? how the paper is written ? the way it is published. Why to write papers? ? Publishing papers is very critical for researchers ? It is a process of getting ideas, performing them, presenting them, testing them, and making them accepted by other researchers ? It is one representation of research productions. 科 技 论 文 的 重 要 性 The general structure of a paper comprises following sections(in their typical sequence): title, authors, affiliate( 附属机构,即作者所在单位 ), abstraction, keywords, introduction, body, conclusion, acknowledgments( 致谢 ), appendix ( 如果有的话) , references. 科 技 论 文 撰 写 格 式 科 技 论 文 撰 写 格 式 1 、 Title ? “as the fewest possible words that adequately describe the contents of the paper“ ? effective titles should: ? identify the main issue of the paper ? begin with the subject of the paper ? are accurate, unambiguous, specific, and complete ? do not contain abbreviations( 缩写 ) ? attract readers 科 技 论 文 撰 写 格 式 example : An efficient arithmetic codes suiting for hardware design( 一种硬件实现的高效算术编码 ) Network Programming Based on Web( 基于 Web 的网络编程 ) 。 科 技 论 文 撰 写 格 式 Attention: ? avoid to use words like: studies on, investigations on, observations on ? problem is not proper for title ? Articles in title( 题名中的冠词 ) 。 在早年,科技论文题名中的冠词用得较多,近些年有简 化的趋势,凡可用可不用的冠词均可不用。 eg : The Application of Microprocessors on Processing of Chemical Heat-treatment .其中的冠词 the 可不用。 ? 标题长度一般不超过 12 个单词 科 技 论 文 撰 写 格 式 ? upper case and lower case in title a. THE APPLICATION OF THE MODELS OF NONLINEAR REGRESSION. b. The Contourlet Transform for Image Compression.( 每个词的首字母大写,但 3 个或 4 个字母 以下的冠词、连词、介词全部小写。 ) c. Image co


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