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高考 “词序·语序”考点大盘点 词序是高考命题的常考内容,同时也是中学英语的重点和难点。为了便于同学们更 好地复习和掌握词序和语序的用法,本文拟就将高考命题中所出现的考查词序、语序的 考点予以盘点归类,以期对同学们有所帮助,现分述如下,仅供参考。 第一课时 一、a、an 的词序 典型题例 ①______role she played in the film! No wonder she has won an Oscar. (2002 春季上海卷) A.How interesting B.How an interesting C.What interesting D.What an interesting ②It is______ work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it. (98 上海高考) A. so unusual B. such unusual C.such an unusual D. so an unusual ③______box can not be lifted by a boy of five. (92 上海高 考) A. So a heavy B. So heavy a C. A such heavy D. Such heavy a ④Oh, John. ______you gave us! (MET90) How a pleasant surprise How pleasant surprise What a pleasant surprise What pleasant surprise 讲解: 在表示“如此……”时应使用 “such a/an +adj. +名词”或 “ so/too/ rather/quite/what a/an…+ 名词”表达方式。 拓展训练 1.This is ______ difficult book that I can’t read it well。 A. such a B. so a C. too a D. by far 2.He is ______ teacher that all of us like him. A. a such good B. such good a C. a so good D. so good a 3.-Mum, what shall we have for lunch? -Dumplings. -Oh, what______wonderful lunch! A.an B.the C.a D./ keys: A B C ④ It is generally believed that teaching is______it is a sc ience。(NMET2001) A.an art much as B.much an art as C.as an art much D.as much an art as ⑤Have you ever______as tall as this one? A.a tree B.such tree C.an tree D.tree 讲解: 在比较级结构中,表示一方与另一方相等或不相等时,常用 “…as (not+so/as)+原级+ a/an+ 名词 +as…” 或 “…a/an +名词 +as +原级+ as …”结构。 “a/an +名词”应放在原级比较中间或前面。 拓展训练 1.He is not ______ her. A.as good player as B.so good a player as C.as a good player as D. so a good player as 2. This is ______ those made in Changchun. A. a truck as good as B. as a truck as good C. so good a truck as D. a good as truck as keys:B A 二、多个名词修饰语的词序 典型题例 ① As I know there is______car in this neighbourhood. (20 01 上海卷) A.no such B.no a C.not such D. no such a ②If you want to change for a double room, you will have to pay______$5.(NMET2000) A.another B.other C.more D. each ③-How was your recent visit to Qingdao? -It was great.


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