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精.选 节约用电,从我做起的宣传稿   节约用电,从我做起的宣传稿   因能源紧缺,人口增长等各方面原因,近几年华东地区经常拉闸限电,人民的生产和生活受到影响.今年用电高峰即将到来,根据这一情况,你所住的小区居委会将以 节约用电,从我做起 为主题开展宣传,邀请你来写一篇宣传稿.宣传稿应包含以下内容:   停电对居民生活和工作的影响   怎样以实际行动节约用电   号召小区居民节约用电.   词数:100-120   Possible Version:   Dear friends,   As is known to all, owing to the lack of resources and the increase of population, we have suffered the shortage of electricity in East China in the last few years. And now, summer, in which a large amount of electricity will be badly needed, is just around the corner.   We are all familiar with the effects brought by the power cut. Our work is interrupted frequently and we have to do things by the light of candles, which is harmful to our eyes. At home, we have to stay in the darkness doing nothing in the evening. So everyone in our neighbourhood shall not neglect this solution--saving electricity. Besides the efforts made by the government, therere more we can and should do, like using the air-conditioner less often, turning off the light upon leaving, reminding family members of the importance of saving electricity and so on.   As a saying puts, Actions speak louder than words , please join in the action to save electricity, from yourself, from now on. Action!    课件 学习课件 演讲稿 考试 题目 主题班会 技术 方案 近视眼的防控培训课件 小学生学习习惯和学习方法 小学生急救小常识 安全生产风险辨识与管控课件 ansible基础使用 口腔基础知识培训课件 最新2019年山东省国防教育知识竞赛题库 新版口罩标准 谢谢


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