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PAGE PAGE 2 基于51单片机心形流水灯设计 基于51单片机心形流水灯设计 电子信息工程技术 信息工程系 13 201 年 11 月 日 诚 信 声 明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业设计文本和成果,是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立进行研究所取得的成果。成果不存在知识产权争议,本毕业设计不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表过的作品和成果。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 毕业设计者签名: 年 月 日 基于51单片机心形流水灯设计 摘要:20世纪70年代,单片机应军事及工业装备的控制需求而问世,目前单片机在智能仪器仪表、家用电器、军事装置、实时工业控制等诸多领域应用广泛,结合单片机技术设计的电子电路也是不断推陈出新。在一个系统中,单片机作为一个核心部件还要根据具体硬件结构,再使用相应的软件设计,软硬件相结合,使硬件在软件的控制下协调运作,才能使一个电子电路设计更加完善。本论文基于单片机技术与单片机芯片AT89C51芯片功能,对心形流水灯系统进行理论计, 运用相关的软件以及C语言编程,通过控制LED灯的通断,来实现流水灯的多种亮与灭的循环,使流水灯的变化形式丰富多彩,给人带来美感。本文进一步学习和掌握电子电路的一般设计方法,了解电子产品研制开发过程,从而巩固单片机、模拟电子线路及数字电子线路的理论知识,来提高实践技能。 关键字:心形环绕LED流水灯;相关软件; 51单片机;C语言 51 singlechip heart-shaped water lamp design based on Abstract: in twentieth Century 70 time, single-chip microcomputer control requirements of military and industrial equipment and come out, at present the MCU in intelligent instruments, household appliances, military equipment, real-time industrial control and many other fields are widely used, combined with the electronic circuit design SCM technology is also constantly bring forth the new through the old. In a system, microcomputer a core component should according to specific hardware structure, and then use the corresponding software design, software and hardware combination, make the hardware to coordinate the operation under the software control, to make an electronic circuit design more perfect. In this thesis, single-chip technology and MCU chip AT89C51 based on heart function, light water system theory,The use of relevant software and C language programming, by controlling the LED lamp on-off, many to achieve water lamp light cycle and arc, make changes in the form of light water rich and colorful, bring aesthetic feeling. The general design method of this paper to further study and master the electronic circuit, the understanding of electronic product development process, so as to consolidate the the


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