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井冈山大学外籍教师节假日外出备案表 Registration Form for Foreign Teacher s Outing on Holidays 姓名 Name 申请时间 Apply Time 离校时间 Leave Time 返校时间 Retur n Time 外出去向 Desti nati on of Out ing 安全须知 Notes of Security 安全意识牢记心头。坚持“不安全的事情不做,不干净的食物不吃,不安全 的车不做,一切违纪违规的事不犯”。 Keep ing the sense of safety in mind. Adhere to the four prin ciples which are do not do un safe things , do not eat un clea n food, do not take un safe cars, or do not violate discipli nes and rules. 出行前确认宿舍门窗,煤气,水电是否关好。确保防盗和消防安全。 Before your departure, please make sure that you shut off the gas, electricity and water in your apartment and doors and windows of the dormitories are closed to en sure the safety of the an ti-theft and fire protect ion. 离开吉安前告知国际合作与交流处去向,出行期间高度重视交通及其它安 全,不乘坐“三无”交通工具。注意人身安全,不去没有安全设施保障的各种场 所,注意言谈举止,以防发生纠纷,遇事不极端处理。 Before leaving Ji aplease inform the International Office where will you go and write this paper.During your trip ,do not get on vehicles without license, without driving plates, without security barriers. Take good care of personal safety, do not go any where without security facilities. Pay atte nti on to pers onal speech and avoid disputes and extreme wron gdo ings . 离校后遵守中国的法律法规,决不从事各种非法或危险活动。 After leaving campus, you shall abide by the laws and regulations of China and never take up any kinds of illegal or dan gerous activities. 发生特殊情况立即报告国交合作与交流处外事科专管员。 In special circumstances, immediately report the staffs of the International Foreign Affairs departme nt. 个人承诺 Pers onal Promise 本人认真阅读以上内容并同意遵守! I have read the above-me nti oned and agree to follow. 签名: 日期: Sig nature: Date: 备案意见 Registrati on Approval 备注:此表需在寒暑假或其它节假日前三天交至国际合作与交流处备案。 The form is required to be registered at the Intern ati onal office three days ahead of Win ter , Summer vacatio n or other holidays.


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