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学科:英语 教学内容:Have you packed yet? 直击课标要求 1语言目标 Talk about rece nt events 2?重点词汇 wood mostly deeplybath ing suit towel water guidebook refrigerator garage suitcase chop wood mostly deeply light village well form member scene last major hit appear miss lead air root overseas ancestor homeland search affair mainly farmer field point stron gly clear abroad connect local clea n out put in tur n off some day be off in search of 关键句型 Have you packed yet? I have already watered them. What about your bike? Are you ready, Tina? I haven t cleaned out the refrigerator yet. I ll do it in a minute. Have you ever bee n to a con cert? Yes, I have. No, I haven t. What else? It s your job to wash the dishes. One more thi ng. 4?语法 现在完成时态 课前学习提示 一、词汇 suit [sjut, sju:t] n.请求,求婚,起诉,一套衣服。它可作及物或不及物动词用,意思 是“适合,中”的意, (使)配合,(使)适应,相称,彼此协调”等。 【例】 (1) The government granted the minority group s suit for autonomy. 政府批准了这一少数民族申请自治的请求。 Mr Li has been pressing his suit with Miss Wang. 李先生一直在向王小姐求婚。 John brought a suit in the local court against his boss. 约翰在地方法院告了他老板一状。 Mr Zhang came in the classroom in a new suit. 张老师穿着一套新衣服进了教室。 The time table suits me very well. 这个时间表对我很合适。 She is not suited for teaching. 她不适合于教学。 He failed to suit his action to his word. 他没有做到言行一致。 His new job suits well with his abilities. 他的新工作与他的能力很相称。 water[ w^t。] vt. vi.浇水,浇灌;流泪,流口水。可作名词用,表示“水,水位, 口水,尿”。复数表示“矿泉水,海域,水域”等。 【例】 (1) He often waters the flowers. 他经常浇花。 His mouth watered at the sight of the pies. 他一看见馅饼口水就流了出来。 The smoke made her eyes water. 烟熏得她两眼流泪。 I tried hard to keep my head above water. 我好容易才免于灭顶之灾。 The battle was fought in Chinese waters. 这次海战是在中国海域进行的。 She helped the baby to make water. 她把着婴儿小便。 wood [wud] n.作“木材、木头”解时是不可数名词;作“森林、树林”解时是可数 名词,且常用复数。 【例】 (1) The students picniced in a nearby woods. 学生们在附近树林里举行野餐。 The boy s job was to collect wood while his sister s was to feed the pigs. 这男孩的任务是打柴,他妹妹的任务是喂猪。 Nowadays not much furniture is made of wood. 现在已没有多少家具是用木料做的。 light [lait]含义很多,既可作动词用,还可作名词或形容


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