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硬新闻关系到国计民生以及人们切身利益 的新闻。包括党和国家的重大方针、政策的 制定和改变,时局变化,市场行情,股市涨 落,银根松紧,疾病流行,天气变化,重大 灾难事故等等。这类新闻为人们的政治、经 济、工作、日常生活的决策提供依据。 * Soft news is a term for all the news that isn’t time-sensitive(时效性), including profiles of people, programs or organizations, etc. * 软新闻:人情味较浓的社会新闻(社会花 边新闻、娱乐新闻、体育新闻、服务性新闻 等),形式上通俗,注重趣味性。它没有明 确的时间界定,多属于延缓性新闻,无时间 的紧迫性。它和人们的切身利益无多大关 系,向受众提供娱乐、开阔眼界、增长知 识、陶冶情操。 * B. Identify news styles There are mainly four news styles which are (1) news reporting (消息报道 ) (2) feature (特写) (3)editorial (社论) (4)advertisement (广告) * II. News Structure A. The lead Every hard news article starts with a lead — the first 1-2 sentences that summarize the most interesting point of the article. The lead should be brief yet catchy , giving the reader an instant sense of what the article is about and making him or her want to read more. * 新闻导语是新闻报道开头的第一段文字,也是最重 要的部分,通常是标题的展开形式,记者必须把新 闻时间的主要情节用一两句化概括在新闻导语的第 一段里。这是新闻报道的精华所在。按照新闻报道 的要求,导语尽可能回答5个W和一个H即What (何事)、Who(何人)、Where(何地)、Why (为何)和How(如何)。这个观点曾被西方新闻 界视为金科玉律,但是由于新闻导语趋于愈来愈 短,因此,新闻导语现在一般未必包含所有的新闻 要素,而是突出其中最重要的新闻要素,其他要素 可放在以下的段落。 * DENVER, Colorado (AP) A lightning strike at a golf course driving range Saturday killed a man and injured his 16-year-old son, a fire department spokeswoman said When Saturday Where At a golf course Who A man and his son What Lightning killed the man and injured his son * NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Teenagers who spend 3 hours a day or more in front of the television are at risk of developing sleeping problem later in life, new research reports. Who Teenagers What Teenagers may develop sleep problems When Later in their life How Spending three hours or more in front of TV * By EMMA ROSS, AP Medical Writer BANGKOK, Thailand-Asia’s bird flu death toll rose to 12 with the announcement Monday of two additional deaths, while China said it suspected the virus has reached po


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