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精品文档 你我共享 精品文档 你我共享 物流共同化策略之整合性研究架構 林立千 國立高雄第一科技大學運籌管理系 高雄縣燕巢鄉大學路 1號 Tel. : 07-6011000-3201 Fax: 07-601-1040 E-mail : lclin@ccms.nkfust.edu.tw 摘要 自1990年代以來,當國內流通業隨著政府推動商業自動化而蓬勃發展的 同時,許多傳統流通業者卻因受限於資本額不夠、專業技術缺乏、法令規範 模糊等因素而無法搭上流通革命的列車,無法有效提昇物流服務水準以滿足 現代流通需求。其中,為了協助中小型批發商和零售商改善目前的配送體制, 進而擁有完整自主的行銷管道及後勤支援體系,政府遂大力推動物流共同 化,期望能藉此改善傳統流通業者的解決經營困境和限制。然而目前國內有 關物流共同化策略的論述,多為日本產業實行共同化的經驗論述,但相關學 理基礎論點則付之闕如,未曾有系統的探討其實施步驟。因此,本研究擬建 構一物流共同化策略架構,包含構想與定位階段應用魚骨圖分析物流共同化 策略之源由,設計與選擇階段應用三次篩選程序以選擇合作夥伴、合作項目 和合作類型,執行與過渡階段說明共同化系統之過渡程序,以利企業欲推動 物流共同化策略時擁有可依循的系統化推行步驟,有效提昇產業競爭力。 關鍵字:物流共同化策略、物流外包、夥伴關係。 An Integrated Framework for Establishing Logistics Alliance Strategy with Outsourcing Lie-Chie n Lin Nati onal Kaohsiu ng First Un iversity of Scie nee and Tech no logy, Depertme nt of Logistics Man ageme nt Abstract Since the period of 1990s, the logistics service industry in Taiwan has experie need a remarkable growth, and the convenience stores, supermarkets and department stores replaced the traditional grocery stores. Thus, the logistics AAAAAA c channegeeddsaccordingly. Numerous distribution centers were established toserve the growing market since then. distribution centers were established to serve the growing market since then. However, most of them were basedon the traditional transportation and However, most of them were based on the traditional transportation and warehousing industry. The economic scale was usually small, and it was difficult to introduce modern technology due to the limited capital available. To overcome the challenges faced by the small and medium-size companies, the government promotes and encourages to set up the logistics alliance strategy with outsourcing since the mid-1990s. That is, each company does not need to own or perform all logistics service operations by its own. The facilities and know-how technologies can be shared through cooperative relationship. However, the achievement was not impressive until now and there was no solid methodology available to guid


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