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PAGE PAGE 6 收放自如,精彩阅读 ——Book4 Unit4 Part A Read and write的教学设计 单位:萧山区第一实验小学 姓名:李黎 电话 邮箱:hzxssy2007@yahoo.cn 【整体设计说明】 本节课的教学设计主要依据教材内容及四年级学生的年龄特点,充分体现新课程标准倡导的“让学生先学,然后在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务目标,感受成功”的理念,使学生在情境中学习、体验、掌握有效的阅读策略,并运用阅读策略进行有效地阅读。 【教学目标】Teaching aims: 1. To read and write: pants, shoes, socks, jeans and It’s warm today. Let’s play football. 2. To use the expressions It’s warm today. Let’s play football. 3. To plan their activities and clothes in the different weather. 4. To cooperate with the others. 【教学重点】Teaching important: Remember the 4-skill words and the sentences. 【教学难点】Teaching difficult: Use the main sentences in the real situations. 【教学准备】Teaching aids: CAI, Tape, word cards, two pictures, etc. 【教学过程和方法】Teaching procedure: 教学流程 教师行为 学生学习活动 辅助手段说明 时间预设 师生互动,导入新课 Step1Warm up/Revision 1. Let’s chant. 2. Sing a song What are you wearing? a. Sing together. b. Talk freely with the Ss. Let’s chant. with Ss. Sing with Ss. 3. T: What’s the weather like today? What are you wearing? 1. Let’s chant. 2. Sing together. 3.S:I’m wearing…with…. (S1: I’m wearing the black jacket with the white pants.) (S2: I’m wearing the pink shirt with the blue jeans.) (S3: I’m wearing the purple sweater with my red hat.) (S4: I’m wearing my orange dress.) 【课件展示】:@题目Unit4 Part A Read and write 【课件展示】@ Let’s chant. 动画显示韵律与内容。 【课件展示】@ Let’s sing. 动画显示What are you wearing? 1分钟 1分钟 2分钟 【设计意图】:这是为新课作铺垫的环节,chant部分师生边说边做,歌曲部分师生面带微笑,合着韵律拍手唱,充分激发了学生的学习激情,自然地营造出轻松快乐的英语学习氛围。 教学流程 教师行为 学生学习活动 辅助手段说明 时间预设 二、突出重点,呈现精彩 Step2 Presentation/Practice (Set the situation) (Picture→questions→presentation) 1. Present the sentence: It’s warm today. 2. Present the sentence:Let’s play football (Do the same as the above.) 3. Present the words and practice: pants, jeans, socks and shoes. 1.T: You like singing. But I like drawing. What am I drawing? Guess, please. 2.T: Now look carefully, please! 3.T: Yes. What’s the weather like to


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