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精品文档 篇一:慰问信 慰问信慰问信一般用于对患病或患难家属的慰问,慰问信应写得真切,注意措辞。对轻病或小 损失,慰问信应写 得轻松一些,而对病情严重或重大损失,信就得写得深沉些。慰问信的内容 可包括:表示遗憾、表示安慰、 询问对方是否需要帮助以及祝对方早日康复写慰问信时注意: 1.写给受伤病人的信要简短、中肯,信中不必询问事故发生的过程、原因、见证人等。 2 .慰 问信中应写一些被慰问者喜欢熟悉的事, 如病人的爱好、 兴趣, 以使病人得到宽慰。 dear jack, i was sorry to learn of your illness. you must hurry and get well. everybody misses you, and we are all hoping you will be back soon. sincerely, tom 范例 1 慰问病人 s 译 文: 亲爱的杰克: 听说你病了,我感到不安。你要尽快养好身体,我们大家都很想你,愿你 早日康复。 您真诚的 汤姆 dear mrs. harper, i would like to express my sorrow at the recent death of your husband. in the long time it was my privilege to enjoy professor of harper ’s friendship. i found him a sincere and helpful associate, with whomit was a pleasure to work. it is with great anxiety that i hear of … i cannot tell you how sad i felt when i was told … 2 .表示“如有用我之处,请别犹豫” if you want meto do anything, do not hesitate to let me know. if i can be any assistance to you, i hope you will let me know at once. if i can be delighted to serve you to the best of my ability. i shall be delighted if i can do anything for you. if i can be any service to you, remember that to aid you is ever the sincere wish of your loving friend. 3 .表示“我希望你收到此信时,你的身 体已有好转”或“祝你早日康复” i hope that by the time this letter reaches you, you ’ ll be feeling much better. wish you speedy recovery. 练习: 1 .你的朋友珍妮生病了, 请写封信表示慰问,并祝她早日康复。 2 .你的同学车祸而受伤。请写封信表示慰问,表达你 的同情,劝他好好休养,预祝他早日康复。 篇二:从一份例文看慰问信的写作 从一份例文看慰问信的写作 [ 作者:郭毅 来源:应用写作杂志社 点击数: 【字体: 1246 更新时间: 2007-7-23 文章录入: jlyhx ] 】 (《应用写作》 2003 年第 8 期) 慰问信是以组织或个人的名义,向有关单位或个人表示慰藉、问候、致意的专用书信。慰 问信有三种类型:一是对取得重大成绩的集体或个人表示慰勉;二是对由于某种原因而遭到暂 时困难和严重损失的集体或个人表示同情、安慰;三是在节日之际对有贡献的集体或个人表示 慰问。无论是哪种类型,好的慰问信无不充盈着同声同气的深切关怀,寄托着重重的


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