人教版课本一年级起点一年级英语下册Revision .ppt

人教版课本一年级起点一年级英语下册Revision .ppt

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Revision 1 PPT课件 * PPT课件 * PPT课件 * PPT课件 * 智勇大闯关 灰太狼又来了 羊村的小羊们又遇到了危险,你想营救他们,就得通过记忆大考验,准备好了吗? PPT课件 * 第一关、连一连。 1. near 2. behind 3. under 4. in 5. on PPT课件 * 第二关、选一选。 1. 熊_____ 2. 玩具娃娃_____ 3. 汽车_____ 4. 飞机_____ 5. 火车_____ 6. 球_____ 7. 书桌_____ 8. 椅子_____ A. pear B. bear A. doll B. door A. car B. cat A. Play B. plane A. Train B. tiger A. doll B. ball A. chair B. desk A. chair B. classroom B B B B A A A A PPT课件 * 第三关 读一读 Put your schoolbag under the chair. Put your schoolbag on the chair. A: What’ s under the bed? B: A box. PPT课件 * A: What’s on the desk? B: A box. A: What’s near the chair? B: A bed. PPT课件 * Let’s play Pair work What’s on the chair? A schoolbag. PPT课件 * Let’s play Pair work What’s behind the chair? A door. PPT课件 * Let’s play Pair work What’s on the wall? A picture. PPT课件 * Lets play Can I have a bear? Sorry, no. PPT课件 * Let‘s play Can I have a car? Sure. Here you are. Oh, I have two. PPT课件 * room Where is…? bed picture T V armchair computer Pair work PPT课件 * Letters in life PPT课件 * Letters in life PPT课件 * Letters in life PPT课件 * 同学们,你能举出生活中你见过的英语字母吗? PPT课件 * 再 见



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