闽教版课本三年级起点小学五年级英语下册Unit 6 Feelings Part A.ppt

闽教版课本三年级起点小学五年级英语下册Unit 6 Feelings Part A.ppt

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猜一猜 When is Peter’s birthday? A. March first. B. March second. C. March third. PPT课件 * Let’s find Peter! Are you proud of him? PPT课件 * 一、导入:今天我们来学习《蒋筑英》这篇课文,谁来介绍一下你所知道的蒋筑英。生自由介绍,老师做适当补充。二、自由读文,进行预习1.初读课文,达到文通句顺。2.认读课后字词。憔悴 实践 隐瞒 呻吟 多音字:差(chāi chā) 校(jiào xiào)3.熟读课文,标出自然段。4.划分段落,同学评判 5.再读课文思考:文章写了一件什么事情? 在学生自学的基础上,汇报,大家讨论评判。 三、再读课文,思考通过阅读课文和搜集资料,你觉得蒋筑英是一个怎样的人?你是从哪里感觉到的?简单的写一写。 学生自学,学生汇报: 教师板书:乐于奉献 无私奉献 你能将三件事写一个题目吗?学生自由写,汇报。 四、拓展延伸 学习了这篇课文你有什么想法?写在书的空白处。 再见 d Ask and answer How does Peter feel? A. He is hungry. B. He is thirsty. PPT课件 * thir d sty New Word PPT课件 * Express your concern! Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? PPT课件 * Express your concern! Are you … ? happy proud hot hungry angry scared PPT课件 * Express your love! I’m thirsty. PPT课件 * Express your love! Drink some water. Drink PPT课件 * 再 见 PPT课件 Unit 6 Feelings Part A PPT课件 * Look and Say PPT课件 * Look and Say PPT课件 * Look and Say PPT课件 * Look and Say PPT课件 * Look and Say PPT课件 * Look and Say PPT课件 * Look and Say PPT课件 * Look and Say PPT课件 * PPT课件 * r ce i a 100-meter race PPT课件 * Who is the winner? Ask and answer PPT课件 * Ask and answer Who is the winner of 100-meter race? Peter is the winner. PPT课件 * b d ir f st New Word PPT课件 * Who is the second? Who is the third? Ask and answer PPT课件 * Ask and answer 1. Who is the second? 2. Who is the third? Wang Ming is the second. Li Hua is the third. PPT课件 * First, first, Peter is the first. Second, second, Wang Ming is the second. Third, third, Li Hua is the third. Let’s chant! Race, race, there is a running race. PPT课件 * Let’s find Peter! the first floor the second floor the third floor PPT课件 * 猜一猜 Where is Peter’s classroom? A. On the first floor. B. On the second floor. C. On the third floor. PPT课件 * Let’s find Peter! PPT课件 * Let’s find Peter! March first March second March third PPT课件 * PPT课件



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