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牛津译林版 2017-2018 学年 7A 英语期末专题练习 —词汇 牛津译林版 2017-2018 学年 7A 英语期末专题练习 —词汇 姓名 得分 1.What ’ s the 价(格 )of iphone 6 now?I want to buy one. We all know there are sixty _________ (分钟) in an hour. Do you know how many _________ (颜色) there are in a rainbow? 4.Do you know how often we should change our_____( 牙 ) brushes? 5.Thank you for_____( 借 )me your dictionary,Millie. 6. My mother always___________( 叫醒 )me up at 6: 00 every morning . 7. We all think our dreams can come_________( 真实的 ). 8. Do you know how many___________( 围巾 )are there in the shop? 一 Sorry, I don ’ t know. 9. One of the_________( 英雄 )is Simon ’ s father.He is proud of his father . 10. I bought a wallet yesterday . It___________( 花费 )me a lot of money . 11. Millie likes to visit Suzhou (博物馆 )at the weekend. 12. Look! The stones here are ( 光滑的 )We can sit on them. 13. This skirt is only 50 yuan . Don ’ t you think it(便宜的 ’)?s ________ 14. I think your hair clip _________ ( 相配 ) your pink coat. 15. All my family usually get ___________( 一起 ) and have a big dinner on New Year ’ s Eve The girl ____________ (操练) dancing for half an hour every day. Her mother is___________( 很少 )late for work . 18. Make sure that you wash your hands before 1 / 6  (餐) . 牛津译林版 2017-2018 学年 7A 英语期末专题练习 —词汇 19. Remember to brush your_________( 牙齿 ) after getting up and before going to bed. 20.How many___ __(kilo) of fruit do you need,madam? 21.He knocks on___ __(人们 )windows to play jokes( 开玩笑 ). 22.Why do you___ __(好像 ) so happy today? 23.It is___ ___(重要 ) to learn English well. 24.The question is too difficult, so the_____( 整个的 )Class can't answer it. 25.Your_____( 生活方式 )are unhealthy. They are not good for you. 26.Fast food_____( 尝起来 )delicious,but it's not healthy. 27.What's the_____( 数量 )of the free parks around the Lihu Lake. 28.Shall we go on __________ ( 野餐 ) this Sunday, daddy? 29.— What do you think of the ____________ ( 活动 ) at school?— They are very interesting. 30.Most of us in our class go to school __________( 骑 ) a b


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