初中英语_Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! Section B(1a教学课件设计.ppt

初中英语_Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! Section B(1a教学课件设计.ppt

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Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! Section B(1a-1d) 知识目标:掌握本单元词汇及that、 whether/if 宾语从句结构,了解 中外国家文化的异同。 2.技能目标:能够听懂语言材料,提高听力技 能与技巧。 3.情感目标:了解不同国家的节日文化,培养 学生的跨文化交流意识。 Spring Festival Guessing Game: Look at the pictures and guess what festival it is. Lantern Festival Dragon Boat Festival Mid-autumn Festival Thanksgiving Day the last Thursday of November Christmas Day 圣诞节 December 25th Halloween October 31 课前预习 Halloween 黑猫也是万圣节的标志物,并且也有一定的宗教起源。人们认为黑猫可以转生,具有预言未来的超能力。在中世纪,人们认为女巫可以变成黑猫,所以人们一看到黑猫就会认为它是女巫假扮的。这些标志物都是万圣节服装的普遍选择,也是贺卡或橱窗上很常用的装饰。 万圣节在每年的10月31日,是西方传统节日。万圣节源自古代凯尔特民族的新年节庆,此时也是祭祀亡魂的时刻,在避免恶灵干扰的同时,也以食物祭拜祖灵及善灵以祈平安渡过严冬。 万圣节前夜起源于与邪恶幽灵相关的庆祝活动,所以骑着扫帚的女巫、幽灵、小妖精和骷髅都是万圣节的标志物。蝙蝠、猫头鹰和其他夜间活动的动物也是万圣节的普遍标志。起初,这些动物让人觉得非常可怕,因为人们认为这些动物能和死者的幽灵进行交流。 1. What do you think Halloween is about? 2.What do people do on Halloween? scary dress up haunted house black cat candy trick or treat ghost October spider 1a Look at the pictures and words related to Halloween. make pumpkin lanterns (乔装打扮) dress up as ghosts dress up as fun things like ghosts dress up as cartoon characters trick or treat play a trick on you ask for candies and treats 课前预习 what is “trick or treat”? 万圣节的主要活动是“不给糖就捣乱”。小孩装扮成各种恐怖样子,逐门逐户按响邻居的门铃,大叫:“Trick or Treat!”(意即不请客就捣乱),主人家便会拿出一些糖果、巧克力或是小礼物。部分家庭甚至使用声音特效和制烟机器营造恐怖气氛。 If you don’t give them a treat, they’ll play a trick on you! Where is Halloween popular? When do people celebrate Halloween? What does Wu Yu think of this festivals? It is popular in North America. 1b Listen and answer the questions. On October 31st, He thinks it’s a really fun festival. Listening Many people make their _______ look scary. They may _______ the light and light candles. They sometimes also put things li


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