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Unit 4 Earthquakes 第二学时 Learning about Language 要点讲与练 1 ? Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave right away.(p.25) 想象你的家开始摇晃,你必须马上离开。 A词语链接 imagine 想象,认为(某事)可能发生或存在 imagination n.想象 imagine doing sth?想象做某事 A即学即练 完成下列句子。 He is a man (富有想象力). full of imagination 1 canl imagine (徒步周游世界). Close your eyes and traveling around the world on foot (想象你自己在一个荒岛上的情景). imagine yourself (to be)on a desert island 2. For three days the water in the village wells rose and fell, rose and fell.(p.26) 三天来,村子里的井水升升降降,起起伏伏。 观察下列各句中Hse的词性和意思。 Smoke was rising from the chimney. 烟从烟囱里升起。(v.) Hearing the ring, he rose to open the door 听到铃声,他起身去开门。(r.) Mountains rose in the distance. 远处山峦叠起。(e?) There has been a sharp rise in the number of people out of work ? 失业人数急剧增长。(n.) The workers were asking for a rise of their pay. 工人们要求壇加工资。(n.) slept. (6)The mother watched the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he 那位母亲看着他睡着时微微起伏的胸膛。(n.) (7)The church was built at the top of a small rise. 教堂建在一座小山顶上。(n.) 词语辨析:rise/raise rise是不及物动词,意为“上升、上涨、站起 价、温度、河水、潮水及人的职位等的上升。 9常用于日、月、云、霞、烟、水蒸气、物 9 常用于日、月、云、霞、烟、水蒸气、物 raise是及物动词,意为举起、提出、饲养、 种植”。用作“举起”时,往往有使物体达到应 有的高度的含义,可用于具体或抽象的事物。 His temperature was still rising, so the worried parents sent for a doctor. 他的体温还在上升,于是那对忧心 的父母去请了一个医生。 They raised their arms and waved to us with joy. 他们抬起胳膊,高兴地向我们招手 Her job is raising chickens. 她的工作是养鸡。 A即学即练 用rise, raise的适当形式填空。 Satisfied with their work, the boss promised to have their wages ■ After the river by 30cm? Now the cost of chickens is ? rose raising rising 3….the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst(p.26) 有些建筑物里的水管爆裂开来。 burst,(使)爆裂,胀开;突然闯入,强行进入,突发,猝发;爆 裂,爆炸 观察下列各句中burst 观察下列各句中burst的意思。 ■ ■■ I ? =1 (l)The balloon will burst if you blow it up any more.(爆裂,胀开) 你再给气球充气,它就要爆了。 (2)A clown appeared on the stage, causing a burst of laughter.(突发,猝 发) 一个小丑出现在台上,引起了一阵笑声。 burst ? burst ? burst burst in /into a room/ building, etc. 闯进,突然破门而入 burst into sth?突然爆发 burst out doing sth?突然开始(做某事) 来).选用上述词语完成下列句


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