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作业讲解 : 英语动词填空题答题技巧 用所给动词的适当形式填空,是英语中考中必考的一个题型。在考试中 10 分。在做题时要看 主语,定时态,注意主谓一致。重点是动词的时态。 英语中的时态主要就是八大时态。一般现在时,一般过去时,现在进行时,过去进行时, 现在完成时,过去完成时,一般将来时,过去将来时。 何种情况下该使用哪种时态,每种时态中明显的标志词,主要是时间状语,除了考察动词 时态外,还考察各种时态的不同语态 主动语态和被动语态。在动词短文填空中还经常考察的 一个知识点就是 and 连接的几个动词时态相同这一做题技巧 还有就是 to do 不定式做目的状和现在分词表伴随的情形。还有一些非常重要的动词短语。可以 按后必须接 doing 的,后面必须接 to do 的,后既可接 doing 又可接 to do 的进行归纳总结。 如后必须接 doing 的, practice doing sth, think about doing, what about doing , thank yo u for doing, be interested in doing ,be good at doing, do well in doing, by doing, finish doing ,can ’helpt doing , can ’stopt doing, have trouble doing , have problems doing , have difficul t y doing, look forward to doing , feel like doing, stop sb from doing, keep doing , keep sb. do ing, enjoy 等。 后面必须接 to do 的。 want to do, would like(love)to do, can ’waitt to do, 等,后面既可接 to do , 又可接 doing 的, like, love ,hate.接 to do, doing 意思不同的, stop, rem ember, forget 等。还有 make sb. do , sb.be made to do, see, hear ,watch, notice 等动词的用 法。强化记忆,确保准确无误。相信提高 1-2 分没有问题 用所给单词的适当形式填空 (一) 1. Smoke from those big factories is __________(harm) to the villagers nearby. 2. When the fire happened ,the firemen hurried there and carried the children to_______(safe). 3.It is well _________(know) that the Beijing Olympics in 2008 was a great success. 4.His fans rushed towards him _________(short) after the match. 5.To keep a lamp _________(burn),we have to keep putting oil in it. 6.The Great Wall as well as the Palace Museum ___________(attract)lots of tourists from abroad every year. 7.If those wild animals cant find enough food, they_____(die) or have to leave their habitat soon. 8.The law of gravity____________(discover)by Isaac Newton about 350 years ago. 9.You must try your



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