初中英语_Module 9 Unit 2 Arnwick was a city with 200,000 people.教学课件设计.ppt

初中英语_Module 9 Unit 2 Arnwick was a city with 200,000 people.教学课件设计.ppt

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ideo Unit 2 Arnwick was a city with 200,000 people. a countryside a city Where do you like to live? beautiful scenery(风景) wide road countryside fresh air clean water More and more people are going from countryside to the city. 1.Why do people want to live in the cities? find jobs make money live a better life People want to live in cities , because they want to … serious pollution What are the problems of big cities? very crowded a lot of rubbish heavy traffic flat quiet local rubbish solve pupil Do you know these words? pollution public service 做“阅读短文回答问题”题时需注意: 1. 找到问题中关键词。 2.根据关键词在文中找相同词。 3.表达要注意问题中的人称、时态和句式。 4. 概括主旨大意要看文章结构,注意全面性。 PartⅠ (para1) PartⅡ (para2) Part Ⅲ (para3) PartⅣ (para4-5) The past life of Parkville. The views(景象) of Arnwick today. Jo’s trouble (麻烦)in going to school. The problems that Arnwick and many other cities meet. Fast--reading Read and match Read Paragraph 1-2 and check (√) the true sentences. Parkville was a quiet village. Arnwick was a city with 20,000 people. People from Parkville moved to (搬到) Arnwick to find jobs(去找工作). √ √ Careful reading (twenty thousand) 1. When did the small local school close down (关闭)? 2. How long does it take Jo to go to school in Arnwick? (花费某人多长时间去做某事) An hour. Read Paragraph 3 and answer the questions. Five years ago. 2. It takes me ten minutes _____ (go) to school by bike . to go 1. The factory______ ( close) down last year. closed Read Paragraph4-5 and answer the questions. 1. It’s clear(清楚,显然) that Arnwick needs _____schools , buses and hospitals . A. less B. much C. more 2. It also needs more police_____its people . A. protect B. to protect C. protected C B Unit9-02.avi Problems of Arnwick e.g ______________ (太多的垃圾) 1. A lot of traffic and_________(污染) 2. Not enough schools and hospitals It needs __________________. (更好 的公共服务) 3. It also needs __________ (更多警察) to protect its people. too much ru


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