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L更换主板后开机 IBM X3650 M4更换主板 System initializing 3.可能直接跳过提示按F1进入setup 了,出现如下界面 All of the dialis frM yov prattaM CMflporatioB *re ■!*? thia an unexpectotf iw ■ ? off ynr aysiM ?i dsdi y to ensure dll disks ire present. Press d?y key to conthiue? m *C tn lend thn iunf iumathm nti 1 ity? 按Enter继续 4. Rll ol the dials fro? yoar previa an unexpected nessdget tteo plow to ensure aJI disks are present. Press any key to cont iiuie. ar C ft ABR C|QQg|^ ? A v r pouer off ymr qptai duck ywr cablo to lodl the coiifiyuwt ion ut i 11 ty ? Press 1 for EFI UebBIOS 2 for EFI CLI or any other key to return :. 按1进入阵列配置图形化界面 o 三 o Neuler No r - - T c p c ? | FirnuAre Pkg l^rsion ?nrastart select Conf iguraUon Review Ipear Cancel E Configurations 这时会提示是否想要导入外部配置,将阵列卡的配置导入到主板,选 择 Preview 7 选择 Virtual DriveO: RAID5 ?,然后点击 Import 8.BIOSLogical View 匸3 Virtual Mvet 0z S5S929 GB OpUmal 8. BIOS Logical View 匸3 Virtual Mvet 0z S5S929 GB OpUmal ler Pokier rie3 Lq Drives 寫 Backplanef SlolzO? 3人笑 HDD「278?464 GB# Online^PEQMfct^d Bockplftne, Six;】,$AS# HPD,刃他 GB# Online BackpjAns SlotuW 体人② HDD, 2:78?伽 GB# Onlxn?(Pi70teeed) Drives ration Wizard L View 导入完成后看下阵列信息,然后退出启动服务器,正常会自动进入系 统引导,否则请多重启几次,如果不行进入Fl setup中添加引导, 然后从系统盘引导。


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