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We’ve discussed the definition, key features and key elements of and in fiction. Source: Wikipedia and Forster’s Aspects of the Novel 1. What is fiction? 2. How is fiction different from history? 3. What kind of language is used in fiction? 4. What are the three genres of fiction? How are they different from each other? 5. How much do you know about E. M.Forster and Aspects of the Novel? A plot is a sequence of interrelated actions or events. A plot is the plan of development of the actions. A plot is a plan or groundwork for a story, based on conflicting human motivations, with the actions resulting from believable and realistic human response. In a well-plotted story, nothing is irrelevant; everything is related. 牵一发而动全身 Conflict: opposition Types of conflict: External conflict: between Man and nature; Man and society; Man and man Internal conflict: Within one character: one’s inner struggle Exposition: beginning, background, introduction Complication: the rising action, development, intensification Crisis: the climax, greatest intensity, the turning point Falling action: subsides Resolution: final, equilibrium, conclusion, denouement Equi librium 1. 相称;平衡;均衡 2. 均势 3. (心情的)平静 The customary way: chronological plotting Non-chronological plotting: e.g. flashback 闪回 1. What is plot? 2. What is conflict? 3. What are the types of conflict? 4. What are the five stages of plot? 5. What is the customary way of ordering the plot? 6. What is flashback? Reading assignments: Christmas Day in the Morning A Rose for Emily Writing assignments: 在充分理解原文的基础上,对构成作品的诸要素,尤其是关于情节这一要素,进行分析研究,并主要结合自己的经验和感受,了解其含义,做出自己的评论。字数为一百单词以上。 Bring your essay writing. We will have a discussion of our essays in groups next time. We will also have a quiz about the questions raised in today’s lesson. Be prepared. See you next time. 1. What is fiction? 2. How is fiction different from history? 3. What kind of language is used in fiction? 4. What are the three genres of fiction? How



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