My hometown 初中英语作文辅导作文课件.ppt

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My hometown 杨店子镇中 My hometown 初中英语作文辅导精品作文课件 My hometown 初中英语作文辅导精品作文课件 Where were you born? Do you love your hometown? Why or why not? It used to be very beautiful. sky clouds river fish water sides of the river mountains trees birds blue white clean fresh beautiful green flowers birds singing clean fish flowers Its not as beautiful as before. I live in a small village. My hometown used to be ______before. The river was ______,There were _______on both sides of the river. In the mountains, there were_______.We can hear the birds _____.And we can also see ____in the __sky.But now,its not as_______as before. The air is ____. The river is ______. There are few ___in the mountains. People cut too many trees.My hometown is crying. I hope everyone can protect our earth. It will be beautiful again! Its your time now! 当天空不再是蓝色 * 小鸟 不会飞翔 * 当江河不再有 清澈 * 鱼儿也离开家乡 * 当空气不再是清新 * 花朵 也失去芬芳 * 当乌云遮住 了太阳 * 世界将黑暗无光 * 当冰山渐渐地融化 * 地 球是一片汪洋 * 当大地干 枯了村庄 * 眼睛也失去渴 望 * 当城市川流不息的车 从此没有一点安详 * 当童 话失去了森林 * 仙女也丢 了魔棒 * 当玩具变成你的 衣裳 * 从此没有天真幻想 * 当贪婪拼命的追逐 * 没 有动物与你歌唱 * 让我们 一起热爱吧 * 让我们一起 唱 * 让我们一起呼唤地球 你好吗 * 让我们一起热爱 吧 * 让我们一起唱让 * 我 们一起呼唤地球你好 吗 …



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