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Personal resume Xing Yun Ri + 138888888@163..com Zhe jia ng RESUME RESUME Start with every little detail ?00 ■ Basic Info Name : xingyunri Marital Status : married Sex: woman Age : 28 Telephone : 1888888888 Work : five years E-mail : 888888@ School : xiaoluobo University Hukou/Nation : hangzhou ddress : hanghzou Profile A dedicated in dividual with experie nee in marketi ng and sales. Excelle nt orga ni zati on al, in terpers onal and an alytical skills. Work ing Proficie ncy in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerP oint. and Erp system. Educati on Sept 2005- June 2006 Sept 2006-Ju ne 2009 Sept 2012-Ju ne 2013 foun dati on Diploma The Blackpool Fylde College Uk bachelor of bus in ess finance Durham Uni versity UK certificate of in tegrated marketi ng Swin bur ne Un iversity Australia 、Experienee June 2007-August 2007 intern ship Goldma n Sachs(H ong Kong) Goldma n: Con solidate and an alyze finan cial data (budgets, in come stateme nt forecasts etc) taking into acco unt compa ny s goals and finan cial sta nding June 2008-August 2008 intern ship Bank of Chi na (Sha nghai ) Feb 2010-May 2011 clie nt man ager Bank of China (Shanghai ) dealing with customers queries face-to-face, over the telephone or in writing; serv ing customers at the coun ter; un dersta nding customer n eeds, recomme nding suitable products and mak ing sales; process ing paperwork from sales, cha nge of customer details, closure of acco unts and so on; learning about new products, services and processes. Sept 2011-May 2012 marketing director FRC Racing Club (China ) FRC: Develop strategies and tactics to get the word out about our company and drive qualified traffic to our front door Deploy successful market ing campaig ns and own their impleme ntati on from ideati on to executi on Experime nt with a variety of orga nic and paid acquisiti on cha nn els —content creati on, content curati on, pay per click campaig ns, eve nt man ageme nt, publicity, social media, lead gen erati on campaig ns, c


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