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Hansel and Gretel 初二  5 班 糖果屋 英语剧本 参演名单: 李雯,  monologue  张心雨,  stepmother 吴佳辉,  husband  李浩,  Hansel 张晨,  Gretel  监制  Peter 旁白:Hansel and Gretel lived near a forest with their father and stepmother.( 韩塞尔和葛雷特做家务,继母坐在椅子指挥,父亲 表现出懦落的站在一旁) One year, the weather was so dry that no food would grow. The wife told her husband that unless he left the children to die in the forest, the whole family would die.( 继母对着父亲耳语,韩塞尔在一旁拿着扫把偷听) Gretel heard this, and Hansel made a plan to save himself and his sister. 备注:(全部过程放舒缓的音乐,背景为家的场景) SCENE ONE: The children learn that something bad is going to happen. Gretel: Did you( 伸手指向韩塞尔, 韩塞尔惊讶脸答 “啊”)hear (做用耳朵听的动作,韩塞尔害怕脸答“啥” ) our stepmother planning to kill us?( 原地转圈) Hansel:(做柯南思考的样子,并转身,走两步后,转过头说 “bingo”)I have a plan to save us. Gretel: What? (看到希望的表情) Hansel: Be quiet!( 做“虚声”的动作)I am going outside to get something in the moonlight .(45 度角仰望天空,深沉状,屏幕上 放夜晚森林的照片) .Now, go to sleep.( 收回目光,对格雷特说, 格雷特崇拜的说“ OK”) SCENE TWO:The children wake up 放打呼噜的背景乐,韩塞尔与格雷特做睡觉状 Wife: Get up, lazy children!( 凶狠的语气,用手指着格雷特与 韩塞尔,接着他们模糊起床) Husband:Yes,dears.(走上前,抚摸格雷特的头) You must come with me to the forest to get wood. Wife: Here is some bread.( 朝着他们韩塞尔与格雷特方向扔 过去) (继母与父亲下台, 韩塞尔与格雷特对望一眼, 拿起面包跳 青春修炼手册) SCENE THREE:Gretel learns about Hansel n ’ s pla 屏幕上放森林的照片, 格雷特与韩塞尔先并列走, 韩塞尔一边扔石头,格雷特一边往后退,前三次被扔到叫“啊” ,第四次 说“哎呦” Gretel: Hansel, what are you doing?( 愤怒) Hansel: I ’ m dropping white stones along the way.群(众演员把 一颗白色石头扔向舞台并说“  This is it. ”)UnlessIdo,we ’ bell lost. Tonight, when the moon is shining bright,  we’lbe able to see the stones. (格雷特作崇拜状看着韩塞尔 ) SCENE FOUR: The children surprise the parents 旁边: Because of Hansel ’ smart,they get to the home. 格雷特与韩塞尔回到家,这时继母与父亲迎上来 Wife :You bad children !What a long time you slept in the forest! ( 气愤) (韩塞尔和格雷特作委屈状 ) Husband:We thought you were never coming back. ( 担忧的 神情) Wife :Now, go to bed. As soon as you wake up, you must go to the forest with you father.( 命令的语气) Hansel: What, again? The world is so big, I


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