旅游英语翻译 八、 拆分 常用翻译技巧——拆分(III).ppt

旅游英语翻译 八、 拆分 常用翻译技巧——拆分(III).ppt

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拆分(II) (Division) 英语中长句较多,句中修饰语多且长,结构复杂,所以,英译汉时,根据汉语语法的特点,通常要把英语中的长句分解成两个或两个以上的句子。而汉译英时,有时也会遇到长句,应根据需要拆分成英语的小句。 通常包括单词分译、短语分译、句子分译等三种情况 City of Diverse Cultures, the Garden City, the Fun City, City for the Arts and Gateway City --- these are some of the names given to Singapore to show visitors what this exciting destination can offer to visitors who want to indulge their senses on a holiday as well as those who have a wish to stay in Singapore. 句子分译 But technological innovations and a more streamlined development process could dramatically shrink the time it takes to produce a vaccine against a new pathogen that has the potential to cause an epidemic. 牛羊肉泡馍的特点是肉嫩汤浓,香醇味美,食后再饮一小碗高汤,更觉余香满口,回味悠长,是一种高蛋白质、高碳水化合物、高能量的食品。一年四季均可食用,冬季更佳。 青岛坐落在山东半岛南部,依山临海,天姿秀美,气候凉爽,人称“东方瑞士”。白天,青岛宛如镶嵌在黄海边的绿宝石。夜里则像一只在大海中摆动的摇篮。难怪许多人乐意来这里疗养。 国家体育场(鸟巢)是北京2008年奥运会的主会场,在这里将举行奥运会的开幕式、闭幕式,以及全部的田径比赛,可以容纳观众10万人。 I sat with his wife in their living room, looking out the glass doors to the backyards, and there was Allens pool, still covered with black plastic that had been stretched across it for winter. On her once familiar street, as in any unused channel, an unfamiliar queerness had silted up (淤塞); a cat wove itself in and out of railings, but no human eye watched Mrs. Drover’s return. The entire cable-car system recently got an overhaul after more than a century of operations, so you are on firm ground even if the streets seem to be tilting beneath you.



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